From here to Slimfinity!!! - Team 6

Hi Tilly!

Just wondering if you had to do the 810 week! My CDC NEVER mentioned this to me, so ive never done this - although methinks i was supposed to a long while

I just wonder if she knows about this AAM/810 week. She has been great for most of the time but this week when i suggested that i wanted to go up the plans at the end of August, she said, 'you are no where near your healthy BMI yet, you know!' I know this, but hope to be close enough in 2 months time - and even if im not, isnt it MY choice??? I want to be a size /weight i can maintain for life! I got a bit huffy to be honest...and she really shouldnt have said anything as she did CD a while back, lost 6 stones and has put it all plus more back on. Just felt the lecture wasnt necessary.

anyway.... going to have my bar and coffee (tea time ritual)

have a good one all. Wish me luck making the Lasagne for Sunday's family dinner! Mmmmmmmmm its one of my best dishes too *sob, sob* lolol


Hiya all,

Just to say I am off for my weigh in today and depending on what the verdict is, will say how I am going to proceed from here onwards,
I am remaining 100% but my losses seem to have slowed up a fair bit. But I am still getting slimmer so thats a good thing!!!
Have kept my water up the latter half the last week, although it was really hard as the food part of 810 caused me considerable bloating.
I might decide to go on to ss+ next week, or may go back to ss... we wil see!
Wish me luck!!!

Hope you are all doing well!!

hi all...

well done Tilly, read your loss on other thread!

I managed 3lbs this week!:):):D:D Just in time to go on my holidays. i was hoping for 4lbs to get to 80lbs lost! but hopefully by the end of my 2 weeks, i will be well into the 11's for the first time since i was a teen YIPEEEEEEEEEE

Hope you lovely people are doing well.

roll on the sunshine, please let it continue for the next 2 weeks

Hello Everyone! I have missed you all. Just back Last night from doing the 3 peaks challenge in support of Cancer Research UK. It is walking up Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon in 36 hours.

SHould have posted last night but I was too darn tired!

All you girls are doing so well. Tilly, Anni and Moti, you are all an inspiration!

Anyone heard from Disney? xx
hey Quizz! well done on the walk. Good for you, you did a great thing ;-)

Im off on hols for a week from tomorrow - and not seeing CDC til 13th, so i will be STS for next week (got as much holiday products in the boot as i can muster - but doing 810 for the week)

just hope its a loss of some description when i get back to my CDC on 13th.

have a great week everyone.

hi all,
Well done quizzy, you got more guts then me girl!!

Had my weigh in today and have lost 5lbs this week!!!
So chuffed!!
I hope this amount will be every week! I know that's totally unrealistic tho, what a darn shame!!
Hi everyone, just to apologise for not being around much!
I am doing loads and loads of work around the house and garden etc at the moment and with end of year stuff on top of it all I am constantly running between 3 different schools, dropping off, picking up and going to events.
Things have been tedious at best for a while, I have lost 2lb a week for last 3 weeks even sticking to plan 100% and the hot weather has been making me retain water big time even though I have managed 4.5 litres a day for last week.
I can't weigh in this coming Monday so it will be the week after next that I will be weighing in again.

Hope all is ok for everyone and that you are enjoying the good weather.

Hi eveyone l'm back from my holiday - put 4lbs on!, but hopefully it will come off again fairly quickly now l'm back on CD. I'm having trouble with my pc - it keeps shutting down :mad:, so l've not been able to post until now.

Hope everyone is having a good week.
got my weigh in tomorrow, don't feel like I've lost anything tho!
I've still been 100%.
is it true that when u get to bmi 25 I have to start going up the plans?
Quizzi, how was your wi?
hi Disney! Welcome back. you will shift that 4 in no time!!

Moti, when you reach bmi 25 you do have to move up the plans. Don't worry you will find it a snap!

I was +1 this week :(
had wi today and lost 3ibs. Wish it was more, but can't do anymore than what I done x good luck everyone else
Hi all jsut a quicky...
havent abandoned the team.. am away right now but will be back here Mon / tues and then posting like i used to! Hope everyone is well

hiya all!!!

Im back from me little hols....and soooooooo dreading WI on Monday as i remembered to pack everything except my CD stuff! Which remained on the kitchen unit for the whole week:cry::cry::cry:

It was really really difficult to make the best choices as everyone was eating out most of the time. I fully expect to have put on a couple of pounds, but really hope its not more than 3-4. back on CD 100% today and all going well so far. I know the hunger pangs will start, but gotta ignore them.

the weather was a mixed bag really, but the kids had a fantastic time.

Its great to catch up again here....... there were over 22,000 posts in a week!! lol we are a busy chatting lot.

have a great night all....

moti! You are rocking and rolling.

Tilly we miss you come back soon.

Anni glad you enjoyed your holiday, onwards and upwards this week