Surviving Sarah Special......
Sarah and I met in some godforsaken motorway service gaff. A couple of quickflashes of her headlights alerted me to her presence....she'd done this before, and I used to read the News of The World

- never mind, we carried on "doggedly"
With little time to lose, Sarah was late as she'd travelled from Northants to Washington by Ifracombe, Tiverton and Dawlish (wrong coast pet!).
We headed for God's own coast in Tynemouth and the once-thriving but now sedate seaside town of Whitley Bay and the nearby St Mary's Island. Typically, it looked like rain!
We decided to head across to St Mary's Island but were thwarted by the tide as the causeway was flooded and although I could walk on water (as you all know) Sarah, an accomplished swimmer was understandably tired after her 864 mile journey
A quick drink and set the old GPS on the iphone and we weren't playing games. We set off into the windy clifftops heading towards Tynemouth Priory. - The time went quickly - matching Sarah's gob stride-for-stride!

- after the first 1.5-2 mile, the wind dropped and conversation was possible again. Damn! I'd have to listen now
I think it was 5.2 miles along the coast road to the pretty village/hamlet of Tynemouth. This was good going and a relatively uneventful walk - very easy with few inclines. We both agreed all of the miniminsters would and could enjoy this walk - especially in Summer. The rain which threatened on our arrival never came, and although the boy scout in me meant I carried waterproofs (and spares - cos I'm a gent me) they were not needed - although on several occasions I almost reached into the first aid kit for earplugs
We had a lovely cuppa in Tynemouth at Mr Woods Cafe - a firm believer in treat and reward, I think we deserved it - i actually deserved a medal!
In order to vindicate/justify
/warrant the Indian repast were were to have later (I booked 7-7.30) we agreed 10 miles should suffice. We'll never know the full and accurate distance, but as we reversed out tracks, (and added a little) the last recorded figure was 9.7 miles when sadly my iphone died - GPS hammers the battery. We figured it would have been nearer 11 all told, as there were a couple of "extra bits" we never recorded. Either way, we comfortably managed the 10 miles and in decent time too! (less than 4 hours).
It was time to negotiate the river and so being the great adventurer, we travelled to North Shields and went through the new Tyne Tunnel, to get back on the "civilised" side of the Tyne (The County Durham side). From there we headed to the metropolis of South Shields and the delights of Ocean Road, and the Royal Tandoori - a favourite haunt of mine, but I'd not been in over a year. Would they remember or recognise me???
Straight in, and seated (not even needing to check the reservation) I spoke to the owner/bossman and said to him "You don't recognise me" - well, you know me? - anything for a non-scale victory

- he didn't recognise me - at least not at first!

- then he realised and pointed to my skinnier face and no glasses! - he remembered! hurrah! I was famous again
He was genuinely impressed and although Sarah and I were hardly dressed for the restaurant, he was very impressed with our 10 mile effort we'd just done. This impromptu thing made me relax my normal cast-iron will and not worry about the order and forthcoming meal. Fair to say I was glowing with my NSV!
What happened next remains classified. Suffice to say I remained well within syn-limit, chose very well from the salad bar, and just wished Sarah could have been so dedicated, but hey, Sarah is on holiday, so I'll cut her some slack
No doubt Sarah's version will be riddled with untruths. Contradicting my series of events.
It was a great day, and surreal couldn't even describe some of the stuff we talked about! - It was great to meet Sassy Sarah, oops I mean Southbound Sarah, and I've no doubt we'll all get to do it again. Only next time we'll all have to wear spinach!
Cheers for the great company Sarah