The Rover (or is it Rambler?) Returns.
7 miles today, although it was rather slow going. & miles in 4.5+ hours is a little sedate for me. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in tearing up the country, and missing everything, but I ask you what time is 11.39 to have your lunch? - bear in mind I eat at 1pm everyday.
What time is 11:39 to have your lunch? Why its 11:39 or course!!
Anyway, the weather improved and the overcast conditions cleared. A spot of rain was felt at the end of the walk and so into the pub we headed.
Right, why is the UK so damn expensive for coffee, and why do we not get free refills? - oh and just to get it all off my chest, no wonder people drink drive when soft drinks (syrup and not proper bottles or cans) cost almost as much as lager/beer. oh and why do pubs not know the difference between diet Coke and diet Pepsi?
Rant over, I am turning into my dad!
We all turn into our parents at some have just it a bit earlier than most folk 
Decided it was better to sit outside in the sun rather than spend my life savings inside. It was a very pleasant and sunny afternoon in Yorkshire, a great end to the day.
The walk, whilst rather sedate, did have a couple of steep hills which spread the field out a little. After my blistered feet of a week or two back, 7 miles was not a problem and I managed it unscathed.
I even got the food right today (you reading this Dawn??_
Breakfast was Summer fruits, and strawberry muller light with a capuccino (2.5sysn)
Lunch was HEX B wholemeal with cheese (HEXA) & onion sandwich, I also added apple, banana and some small plums to the mix. Oh and a tasty sliced chicken - originally for energy, but shared with a lovely black labrador who took a shine to me, are rather my chicken lol. I added a whopping 5.5syns for some Walker Lights - not forgetting the 1syn for the spread on the sandwich (they all count, apparently...)
Being a simple man (steady) with simple tastes, SW-style Fish & chips seemed as god a way as any to end the weekend. poached cod (no batter) mushy peas and Actifried chips (I synned the extra virgin olive oil - 3 syns for half a spoon) - I even added a cheeky side salad just for devilment, decadency & display. (3d - yes!!). Oh and 1syn for 25ml good for you dressing.
13 syns - I make that.
Free drinks (well quite expensive actually) were diet coke & black coffee. As well as my own diet coke I took with me.
Body magic 7 miles
Muggings by cute dogs for my chicken = 1
Already got tomorrow's food prepared and counted so know in advance that's another 100%
Bumped head = twice!! (don't ask)
Drop or two of whisky in your diet pepsi perchance???????
Fell down = 0, but several near-misses. My balance was a little off" today