Dear Mr Rocket Man (I just heard Rocket Man on a tv advert)
I am not in the least bit jealous you went to NASA Space Center

We are taking the kids to the UK one in the October holiday and i'm sure its pretty basic compared to the real one but they are so excited to be going. Can't believe we've never taken them before and its only about 45 mins from here
Fantastic re NSV its always lovely to be complimented.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday xxxxx
Cracking tune from Reggie Dwight
Thanks Jackie - had an awesome time today at the footy or as they call it the ball game (That is something completely different to Lou).
I didn't know that NASA had a centre in the UK?
Me neither!
Yo Spaceman Steve!
I got your post card thanks...
Thought I'd share it with the girls...
"Me and the guys chillin' before hitting the statosphere!
Does my bum look big in that? I'm never sure with White
Ps crashed the shuttle and my UK third party don't cover it. Wonder if you and the girls can raise the $5m bail with a whipround?
Spaced-out Steve,
Lance and Buzz's bestie x"
For some reason its not showing the pic on my ipad here? - damn you Apple!
So must tell you about today. Got up at approx 6am and foolishly grabbed some toast as thought it would be several hours before eating again! (thick white & butter

) then quick stop for coffee/drinks after getting going and I had a large (16oz cup) Hot Chocolate! figuring this will keep me going to Jacksonville. A few more pick ups saw us arrive at a Sizzlers restaurant on International Drive! now I know we were told there would be a light lunch, but this became an all-you-can-eat buffet! Oh no!
I "waddled" out of there later and believed it or not bumped into Rebecca and party - a girl I work with and had been trying to arrange to meet! what are the odds? meeting in a restaurant we weren't meant to be calling in at - My ex used to think it uncanny how often this happened to me. She'll be well impressed when I get back and tell her about this one!
We travelled to Jacksonville and it was an amazing site to see al the sports fans having what they call tailgate parties. Basically car park packed with the car boot open and barbecues going and picnic tables - by the thousand!
We parked our bus in the RV Park. The RV's (Recreation Vehicles) are like massive camper vans/mobile homes- these yanks sure know how to party!
Everyone stood for the national anthem and sung (I respected it but i'm a fiercely loyal subject of HRH Queen Elizabeth and didn't join in). In typical American over the top hype, a B52 bomber flew over the stadium just as the last line "and the home of the brave" was being sung. It was spine-tingling! well done the yanks.
They were well impressed with my blue Sunderland shirt (away colours of course) and impressed with my knowledge of their US Football - especially from the 80s and 90s - thanks to a mis-spent youth and Channel 4's coverage in the early years lol.
On entering the stadium, I got some shrimp (popcorn shrimp and normal fried in tempura batter) - amazingly all free of charge! - imagine that in the UK? As it was a 1pm kick off, at 12.30 I had a 1/2lb cheeseburger, fries and diet pepsi - coming in at $9 or £6 - not bad considering the rip-off premier league prices. (I hope someone is keeping track of the syns here lol)
I was well and truly sated until half time when I simply had to have a beer! - it was a ball game so the occasion demanded it (my first drink since May - I officially now only drink in Florida lol) $7 for a bottle of Bud Light! ouch! That's about £4.70 for a half - certainly less than a pint.
The banter was friendly, even between rival fans - there were a lot of New Orleans Saints fans (visitors) among the Jacksonville Jaguar fans and no animosity whatsoever. As someone brought up on hooliganism in the UK in the 70s and 80s etc. and riots with our nearest and dearest (N*wcastle) they are light years ahead of us, though if I was honest, they simply do not have the passion we have. It is not as tribal, or as life-or-death in that it makes or breaks a weekend. Some may think that's a good thing, but to me it was more akin to a visit to the West End than a sporting occasion. All a bit too twee - as I say it needed passion!
The stadium was bathed in glorious sunshine (as you would expect in Florida) Just as well as there was no roof on the top! fortunately I packed sun spray as I noticed sitting in that baking heat for approx 3hr 15 minutes turned a few people into human lobsters! - pinker than a medium steak!
The game itself finished 23-10 to the visiting Saints. Not much of a match up - the locals pointed out to me the QB (Quarterback) of the home side is a rookie straight out of the college leagues, and is learning the game. However, the spectacle, colour and razzmatazz made it an unforgettable experience Not only that but I will do it again next year!
Much better than my visit to NASA but then again I'm a sports fan not a scientist. I also don't believe for onesecondman ever set foot on the moon, but that's a whole different story!
Rounded off the day at a Golden Corral - yep, another all you can eat challenge. I did my own Man v Food thing and of course Man won!
I think today was another flexi day

seriously - I truly believe I ate more today than any of you managed in the last week - and them some! I guess paying back the piper will be my punishment though.
Stuffed Steve
PS where's the Rennies?