From Maximus to Minimus - coming soon!

Scurrilous Steve,
Sacrilegious Steve,
Seedy Steve:

if you don't want to be
Swatted Steve,
Sausagemeat Steve,
Sliced-Up-Into-Tiny-Bits-And-Fed-To-The-Starving-Tigers Steve,

then listen up.


Coming from you?
Mr "I walk at the pace of a snail on prozac?",
Mr "Can't stand up against this wind",
Mr "Squeal like a girlie cos the curry is too hot"?

Just watch it.
That's all I'm sayin'.
Just watch it.

You know the next Indian is after a walk of my choosing, and at a restaurant of my choosing?

Well then. Just watch it.
End of.
Scurrilous Steve,
Sacrilegious Steve,
Seedy Steve:

if you don't want to be
Swatted Steve,
Sausagemeat Steve,
Sliced-Up-Into-Tiny-Bits-And-Fed-To-The-Starving-Tigers Steve,

then listen up.


Coming from you?
Mr "I walk at the pace of a snail on prozac?",
Mr "Can't stand up against this wind",
Mr "Squeal like a girlie cos the curry is too hot"?

Just watch it.
That's all I'm sayin'.
Just watch it.

You know the next Indian is after a walk of my choosing, and at a restaurant of my choosing?

Well then. Just watch it.
End of.
You tell 'im love :D - leg watcher indeed :mad: I am too busy looking at their faces to worry about their legs...sometimes take a peek at their bums too :D
JimofTroy said:
Scurrilous Steve,
Sacrilegious Steve,
Seedy Steve:

if you don't want to be
Swatted Steve,
Sausagemeat Steve,
Sliced-Up-Into-Tiny-Bits-And-Fed-To-The-Starving-Tigers Steve,

then listen up.


Coming from you?
Mr "I walk at the pace of a snail on prozac?",
Mr "Can't stand up against this wind",
Mr "Squeal like a girlie cos the curry is too hot"?

Just watch it.
That's all I'm sayin'.
Just watch it.

You know the next Indian is after a walk of my choosing, and at a restaurant of my choosing?

Well then. Just watch it.
End of.


Sorry Steve!

Was it a secret?

You know...what you said in that email about Sarah?

Only it might have slipped out when we had coffee today...;)
Wish I could post pics on here from the Iphone - just to torment Gail (among others) with the Cinnabon I bought, sampled, then binned because it was naughty, and I "don't do naughty' - ok that's not strictly true.

It was way too sweet for me.

Hi Sugarlips Steve :flirt2:

Now, when you wrote "Waste of technology women and puters ;)" , I assumed that you were NOT talking about me...even though it was emailed TO me...

so I have very kindly forwarded your pics to your thread so we can all see what the Cinnabon attraction is :D

And don't worry, those other pics you sent by accident are somewhere safe where there's no chance of Mumsi finding them...:eek:


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Lions and tigers (no bears) oh my! Lions and tigers (no bears) oh my!!
So that's Detroit (lions), Cincinatti (bengals) and no Chicago (bears) - noticing the smooth way I moved from you, to Dorothy, to NFL?!?!!

Just remembered.. from May! (I swear my memory is fading!!) if you get chance/fancy it, then the Blue Man Group at Universal was really fun...

Best Thing Ever??..

Go to Downtown Disney (Opposite Typhoon Lagoon(I think - well one of the water parks anyway..) - Used to be called Pleasure Island (No, nothing like that ladies!!) Find a film that you want to watch, and go to the cinema.. TAKE THE DINING OPTION!!! That way, as you are sitting there, watching a film that isn't out here yet, you get waiter service to your chair!!! There's even a little 'call' button if you want more stuff whilst the film is on!! BRILLIANT!!

In the area are bars, restaurants, shops and DISNEY QUEST!!-5 floors of video games, ranging from old school to modern.... and all free (once you're in) If you were to just walk up, it does cost $42-46 BUT we had Disney multipark passes (14 day) and got in free!!! (Not sure if we had just the standard passes or if we upgraded them though)

I'm so jealous... Already trying to plan when we'll have enough money to go again.

'95, '00, '01, '11 Disney Vetran
yes, already done Disneyquest - it's ok but in the general scheme of things there's too much stuff to do and never enough time. I think the best thing was building and riding your very own virtual roller coaster! - there was more loops in that than a houseful of Sarahs:eek:
Scurrilous Steve,
Sacrilegious Steve,
Seedy Steve:

if you don't want to be
Swatted Steve,
Sausagemeat Steve,
Sliced-Up-Into-Tiny-Bits-And-Fed-To-The-Starving-Tigers Steve,

then listen up.


Coming from you?
Mr "I walk at the pace of a snail on prozac?",
Mr "Can't stand up against this wind",
Mr "Squeal like a girlie cos the curry is too hot"?

Just watch it.
That's all I'm sayin'.
Just watch it.

You know the next Indian is after a walk of my choosing, and at a restaurant of my choosing?

Well then. Just watch it.
End of.
So that sounds like a 20 miler and possibly a phal later?

Remember I will arrive at an early hour - hmm having said that, it will be darker nights then. Ever the gentleman I will make allowances for your girlieness. Dawn wants to join us and reckons she'd manage 20 miles no problm:8855:

Sorry Steve!

Was it a secret?

You know...what you said in that email about Sarah?

Only it might have slipped out when we had coffee today...;)

Your pillow talk will get you into serious trouble one day Dawn and there's no denying it.!

Tell you what though! sunbathing and tourism don't mix! My poor new ipad im on now looks like a two year old got his greasy mits on it! will need to give it and the keyboard/case a good cleaning once im back home! - and no Lou it is nothing to do with watching grubby material on the screen before you start;)
(unless Dawn's diary counts:p)
OMG that is so mean posting photos. I can almost smell them.........

So glad you tried that you tried them but can't believe you didn't like it, no LOVE it !!

Weather here was beautiful. Hope you continue to have a good time.

Gail x

P.S. Are you going back to Universal this trip ?

Sent from my iPhone
Tell you what though! sunbathing and tourism don't mix! My poor new ipad im on now looks like a two year old got his greasy mits on it! will need to give it and the keyboard/case a good cleaning once im back home! - and no Lou it is nothing to do with watching grubby material on the screen before you start;)
(unless Dawn's diary counts:p)
You silly boy! I would have thought you'd know that you need to buy oil free / cream free suncream for use on an iPad. :D :8855: Do you need me to send you some by FedEx?
OMG that is so mean posting photos. I can almost smell them.........

So glad you tried that you tried them but can't believe you didn't like it, no LOVE it !!

Weather here was beautiful. Hope you continue to have a good time.

Gail x

P.S. Are you going back to Universal this trip ?

Sent from my iPhone
I am indeed, tomorrow - or rather 9 hours time. might purchase and bin two this time Gail, what you reckon?;) Universal holding more interest and attraction than Disney this trip.
You silly boy! I would have thought you'd know that you need to buy oil free / cream free suncream for use on an iPad. :D :8855: Do you need me to send you some by FedEx?

Fed Ex, tipp-ex, durex, all the same to me.:eek: If I'd bought the black ipad instead of the white it would not have needed any sun oil.

disclaimer: before anyone accuses me of racism, i'd like to point out some of my best friends are ipads;)

Anyway enough of this frivolity, I visited Outback Steakhouse tonight as planned. Had the cream of potato soup & melted cheddar with black bread and that whipped butter (pure white - looks like cream) - syn-free if you close your eyes:8855:

I went as anticipated for the 8oz filet and grilled lobster tail. - with savoury rice as the first side and foolishly fries for the 2nd. Really wished I went for the garlic mash for the flavour instead of boring fries. The steak was perfect as was the grilled lobster tail. The Sydney sinful Sundae dessert was just silly but a great way to crash off plan of course.

For an Aussie themed restaurant I had hoped to have Kangaroo steak or Koala ribs or similar. No it was very nice if more pricey than others Lynne, I've tried it now. Will probably be an $8 all-you-can-eat buffet tomorrow lol - only joking as it is the Hard Rock Cafe at Universal City Walk tomorrow. A great place to visit. The food is so-so, the vibe is great and the memorabilia is pure rock and roll heaven at the worlds largest Hard Rock (includes Elvis's pink cadillac rotating above the bar)

Plus I get to replace mt defunct XXL Hard Rock shirt with the S version:cool: - though might have to buy medium at this rate lol.

Still haven't touched a drop of alcohol this trip - just no fancy. Might have a Long Island Ice Tea at the Hard Rock:cool:


That was very naughty reminding me of the black bread and whipped butter:eek::eek:

Have a good meal at the Hard Rock, and even if you don't, as you say the place is worth a visit for the memorabilla. My daughter was in awe at the pink car, mind you, she probably thought it was Barbies:8855:
If I'd bought the black ipad instead of the white it would not have needed any sun oil.

disclaimer: before anyone accuses me of racism, i'd like to point out some of my best friends are ipads;)

Just remember though that if white ipad wants to go :character00180: he needs his :cool: on too!

That was very naughty reminding me of the black bread and whipped butter:eek::eek:

Have a good meal at the Hard Rock, and even if you don't, as you say the place is worth a visit for the memorabilla. My daughter was in awe at the pink car, mind you, she probably thought it was Barbies:8855:

I can now put one urban myth to bed. The pink Cadillac convertible rotating above the bar is in fact two convertibles - a 57 and a 58 used to make one. Further to this, the car/cars is/are the legend as nothing to do with Elvis!

Some great memoribilia none the less!

So today I was going to get one of those tattooes - the henna ones lasting 5 days. Thought I would get all my devoted follower listed on a scroll lol. I could see you fighting over the order I put the names in though. $7 for a 5 day tattoo was a bargain. After all a $40 steak lasted 30 minutes!:8855:

Tonight I need to find out about which attractions to visit at Universal that I may have missed. Also thinking of having a lazy by-the-pool day tomorrow, with no restaurants! And some good old salads and fruit! Bliss! Might even walk to the shop too - nice exercise and boy do I need some!

Halfway Steve!:cool:

Stevie babe getting a tatt!!! :cool:

So...did you get it??? :confused:

The tatt I mean!!! :rolleyes:

And if you did...where is it??? :peep:

Just remember though that if white ipad wants to go :character00180: he needs his :cool: on too!

All sorted now- a bit of after sun and its working fine now:eek:


Stevie babe getting a tatt!!! :cool:

So...did you get it??? :confused:

The tatt I mean!!! :rolleyes:

And if you did...where is it??? :peep:

Of course, I got "Dawn lives here" and it's right on my heart:8855:

Of course I never - you girlies would have had proper cat fights to be top of the list - that can get messy:p It was an idea though as some people list their kids etc.

I will be getting one jet to cover up some silly homemade effort done as a kid. Not sure what to get though. I think women suit tats better than blokes especially things like roses, butterflies, dolphins etc.

Sarah (Jim of Troy) has an awesome one - she let me see it (but not touch) and I'm sworn to secrecy:cool:

It is 8.10pm and pitch black here but is warm sitting my the pool. All the bugs and critters are kept at bay because of the lanai surrounding the area. I figure it is warm and cool and the aftersun will enjoy the gentle breeze. I (a lanai if anyone didn't know is a sort of fine mesh whichkeeps critters out but allows sun,rain wind etc. in) I can hear parrots squawking nearby. Either someone has them as pets or they are resident birds in these parts!

Time to unwind. Just had a brief swim! no matter how hot it is, the pool can still stop your heart when you first get in:eek:

Oh and I no longer float in water! I actually sink like a stone! jus provesIlost a lot of bouyancy.

Our 'kids only' family holiday to Orlando came up with the following

Universal Islands of Adventure

Hulk and Spiderman 3D were brilliant (Hulk being the coaster)
Dr Doom ABSOLUTELY RUBBISH!!! Twilight zone at Disney was much better.
Dudley Do-Right - good wet ride. Yup. W E T.

Universal Studios

Loved Rip Ride Rockit - Coaster where you choose your own music. Brilliant. (Either 'insane in the brain' by Cypress Hill or 'I will survive'!!)
Revenge of the mummy - sit down inside ride. Enjoyed it several times!!
Beetlejuice musical review show - Ok. Some of us had seen it previously and weren't bothered to go again. The Florida 'virgin (on the ridiculous)' enjoyed it though.
Jaws - Great as always. Only need to do this once, second time you feel a bit jaded.
Men In Black. - Enjoyed battling each other for a highscore.
Simpsons ride - ABSOLUTELY HATED IT!! This has replaced the Back to the Future ride, but they don't seem to have updated the 'car'. Still crack your head a lot (and there still doesn't seem to be any padding!!!) and if you're not sitting in the right place, you lose some of the 3D feeling..:(

However best of the lot was going to see the Blue Man Group (at one of the Universal parks - can't remember which)

Not sure which of the two you have done already, or what you were really after, but hope it helps.

By the way 'kids only' (ages 23-37!! :D )
Morning campers!

Very hectic and energy-sapping busy day planned today. Just crawled onto my sun lounger as 8.30 looms and will have 11 hours of nothingness!

Will break for meals and oil top-ups of course.

Now I have decided on this plan of action, I'm sure it will rain or snow! Got to look all tanned and cool because tomorrow I'm joining NASA - I will be the urban spaceman;) In my shiny suit and doing the moonwalk.

Today's healthy eating will be continental - le fries français (traditional French dish) and some little known Italian dish (Mediterranean/European) beginning with a P and a couple of zz in the middle;)

Not sure what or even whether to eat this evening!! Too far ahead to plan.
Today's healthy eating will be continental - le fries français (traditional French dish) and some little known Italian dish (Mediterranean/European) beginning with a P and a couple of zz in the middle;)
Weird............having a p at the beginning of a meal and knocking out some zz's in the middle of it.....still, each to their own :8855:
Have a good day Steve, recharging, ready for tomorrow.

I have only ever done the touristy tours of NASA, but my Son went for two weeks with school, and had a fab time there...So enjoy x
Weird............having a p at the beginning of a meal and knocking out some zz's in the middle of it.....still, each to their own :8855:

Well it might be a long meal innit?

Check me out! eating at Sweet Tomatoes tonight:cool: how on plan is that? - also gonna teach them how to pronounce tomatoes once and for all! - keep an eye on the news for any "incidents":eek:

Already managed to convince them how to spell colour and tyre. Carefully explaining why it's called the Queen's English and not Uncle Sam's.

Education is a wonderful thing:p
