From Maximus to Minimus - coming soon!

Steve - I won't be around much tonight so here's hoping you have a good one

Why, what shape will you be then?;)

Parsnips aint superfree though!

No, but they were outnumbered by swede, onion and carrot. Trust the Mollusc to onserve such technicalities:p

Oh and thanks Dawnie. I had every confidence in you and you are not a plank or thick. You only look and seem that way:D
This technology aint what it used to be!


Muller light (Strawberry) diet coke and hifi bar 6 syns

Dinner by the way was ham & chicken salad with the 1 syn for salad cream with Ryvita & laughing cow making up the KEX's- another 100% day with just the 7 :cool:syns
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Oh and thanks Dawnie. I had every confidence in you and you are not a plank or thick. You only look and seem that way:D


So I'm the one that looks like a plank am I? :confused:

So what was the point in me telling you how to delete your sideways picture...
if you're just going to put it back on again...
sideways...AGAIN!!! :8855:

I think some serious 'groving' is in order...;)
Is this what you're trying to do...tiger!!!

And does it still fit??? :giggle:


  • tiger!.jpg
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Ok I am groving to you;) oh wait a minute ....I forgot I grove to no woman.

Still can't work out how/why it went on sideways as it was not shot that way!
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I accept your groving apology! ;)

No idea why it was all squiffy though :confused:

No party to go to tonight then? :party0023:
Sorry...forgot about the huge age difference ...;)
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Well Happy New Year if you are still around. Just 4 minutes to go for you - although it's been 2012 here for almost an hour!
Happy New Year Steve x

Thanks to Bev, Sarah, Chelsea Lou, Ginlin, Jackie and Gail for the photo btw...;)

I was quite taken aback with that photo....then I realised them tushes were far too skinny for any of "The Usual Suspects"

Good try Dawn:p

How rude!

Spend all that time getting the girls together and that's the thanks we get!

Some people are just so ungrateful!

Bet the Calendar Girls didn't get such abuse...

Just don't expect us to bother next year sunshine...!
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:8855: from me too.

You are so rude Steve. What do you know about the size of my bum?
You've not seen it . . . YET!
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Pommette said:
:8855: from me too.

You are so rude Steve. What do you know about the size of my bum?
You've not seen it . . . YET!

Well said Bev!

That boy is far too cheeky for his own good!

Don't ya just luv leaving messages on some peoples threads when u know they're trotting round Asda and can't reply! ;)
Sure do Dawn. Mind, we'll get a broadside when he comes back though.
Pommette said:
Sure do Dawn. Mind, we'll get a broadside when he comes back though.

Ooh...hadn't thought of that...

You know that Steves not a bad lad really...! ;)