From Maximus to Minimus - coming soon!

Morning Steve, Sounds like you are having a post Christmas Office Party... :party0016:
Everday's a perty in Stevieworld Dawn;)

Oh and Bev, I'm sure that "festival of the grape" was down to Lou's visit.

I often find these southerners are a bad influence and use any excuse to drink their weight in wine/champagne.;)
This southerner measures her booze - by the gallon that is ;-)

Seriously, beer comes in pints - and I have a 25ml measure that I use for whisky

Strangely, when I don't drink I have a smaller loss or STS, have even been known to gain ?


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Hmmmmmmm you lot all casting nasturtiums on my character :D

I have had one of my two alcohol free days this week already, the Government told me I had to do this, thereby telling me that I have to drink on the other 5 days of the week. Apart from when I am at Casa Pommette's I rarely drink during the week - in fact I have been known to go several weeks without :eek: Some [STRIKE]idiot[/STRIKE] lovely person gave me a bottle of Bell's for Xmas and because I know it is in the cupboard I feel compelled to drink it :sigh: If it wasn't there then I wouldn't give the evil stuff another thought ;)

Well, that's my [STRIKE]wine[/STRIKE] whine over for the day :D:D
I know you said you wouldn't be about much but come on I want to annoy you and you are not about :cry:

I want you to say you got your bike so I can tell you to 'get on your bike' when you are annoying :giggle: not that you ever are annoying or anything :8855: :D

How are you then?

Why don't you visit my diary anymore? just cos I listen to slimpods??? thought you'd pull my leg about it at least :8855: seriously get your butt back on here :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I reckon Stevie baby has got himself a new woman and is busy courting ;) Body magic of a sort but not the kind he said he was going to be doing :eek:
Aalreet Stevie!!!

Howay then Geordie boy...tell everyone hoo yee did tonight at wi! ;)
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Ooh how did you do??
Haway man, giz a chance t' hev me bait! - 'ave been t' graft aarl day and could eat a scabby horse atween two matressess man!

Well after another 100% wek (same as always) I managed to fluke a loss of six pund! - Also won my first SOTW in ages and got a boat-load of fruit! Why aye!

Reet Jackie, no, I haven't got my bike yet. I know I need a mountain bike, but am otherwise engaged on Saturdays, so unable to get to the bike shop and discuss my requirements. Will also need bleeding back and front lights and on-board computer (well any excuse for a gadget - and I need to track my mileage and speed etc.)

Never got walking yet, but I feel so relieved that I will begin with a few circuits of the village tomorrow night after work and build it up.

Just had my celebratory beef vindaloo, but never bothered with rice as had loads of superfree thrown in - very nice it was too:cool:

So feeling a lot happier after last weeks STS - even though I never done a single thing different, i.e. was 100% foodwise and managed no exercise - though I have started with weights this week, but only for upper body.

I'll probably gain or something daft next week, but in the meantime I'll enjoy tonight and this week:)

My female admirers are begging me to come to Zumba on Friday nights as there are no blokes there:eek: has any of you done it? Just not sure if it is too soon for my calf.
Maximus said:
Haway man, giz a chance t' hev me bait! - 'ave been t' graft aarl day and could eat a scabby horse atween two matressess man!

Well after another 100% wek (same as always) I managed to fluke a loss of six pund! - Also won my first SOTW in ages and got a boat-load of fruit! Why aye!

Reet Jackie, no, I haven't got my bike yet. I know I need a mountain bike, but am otherwise engaged on Saturdays, so unable to get to the bike shop and discuss my requirements. Will also need bleeding back and front lights and on-board computer (well any excuse for a gadget - and I need to track my mileage and speed etc.)

Never got walking yet, but I feel so relieved that I will begin with a few circuits of the village tomorrow night after work and build it up.

Just had my celebratory beef vindaloo, but never bothered with rice as had loads of superfree thrown in - very nice it was too:cool:

So feeling a lot happier after last weeks STS - even though I never done a single thing different, i.e. was 100% foodwise and managed no exercise - though I have started with weights this week, but only for upper body.

I'll probably gain or something daft next week, but in the meantime I'll enjoy tonight and this week:)

My female admirers are begging me to come to Zumba on Friday nights as there are no blokes there:eek: has any of you done it? Just not sure if it is too soon for my calf.

Well done on your loss!

Remember what everyone said last week? It came true!

Go to the Zumba pleeeeease?! And film it for our guilty pleasure! Pleeeeease!!

I would seriously give it a few weeks first though to build up some strength as it is rather full of movement xx
About bleddy time man!!! ;)

Excellent result hunni and no more than you deserve :happy096:

Like I said to you earlier, I'm sure the weight loss you should've had last week, but didn't, has finally caught up with you.

Couldn't be more happy for you! Or me...cos it's a bit pointless having a chase if the chaser is running in the opposite direction lol! :8855: You still have a looooong way to go to catch me hun...:bolt:
Excellent result!

Now zumba, its all hip shaking etc, i will only do it if there is no one else in the house and the curtains are closed lol, but you are maximus and maximus can do anything so get on it, oh and please please take a video could do with a laugh ;)
I know you said you wouldn't be about much but come on I want to annoy you and you are not about :cry:

I want you to say you got your bike so I can tell you to 'get on your bike' when you are annoying :giggle: not that you ever are annoying or anything :8855: :D

How are you then?

Why don't you visit my diary anymore? just cos I listen to slimpods??? thought you'd pull my leg about it at least :8855: seriously get your butt back on here :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Normal service was resumed on your thread.

well done on the 6lb :D

can't imagine you doing zumba but if your female fans want you I guess you will just have to give it a try.

buy your bike on line :D you can sit on your ipad gadget and do your research :D

You can't buy a bike online Jax! - well I could research the make and model, THEN buy CHEAPER online, but a couple of hundred quid without trying it is not possible. Besides, you have to have them built up and matched to the individual - they're not like a kids bike where you just pick up or have delivered. I also have to have it serviced annually and will need to negotiate that too! worse than the beedin' car:eek:
Well done on your loss!

Remember what everyone said last week? It came true!

Go to the Zumba pleeeeease?! And film it for our guilty pleasure! Pleeeeease!!

I would seriously give it a few weeks first though to build up some strength as it is rather full of movement xx

I'd be moving too fast for the camera tbh - the pics would be blurred motion:cool:

Well done Steve :-D

Amazing loss!!!

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Thanks Lisa - will be better with exercise though:cool:

About bleddy time man!!! ;)

Excellent result hunni and no more than you deserve :happy096:

Like I said to you earlier, I'm sure the weight loss you should've had last week, but didn't, has finally caught up with you.

Couldn't be more happy for you! Or me...cos it's a bit pointless having a chase if the chaser is running in the opposite direction lol! :8855: You still have a looooong way to go to catch me hun...:bolt:

I'm not gonna say you were rgiht Dawnie. EVERYONE KNOWS IT WAS DOWN TO MY WEIGHTS AND WEIGHT TRAINING:p:p

Excellent result!

Now zumba, its all hip shaking etc, i will only do it if there is no one else in the house and the curtains are closed lol, but you are maximus and maximus can do anything so get on it, oh and please please take a video could do with a laugh ;)
Emma man! you're one cheeky individual! You'll be laughing on the other side of your face when I burn up the floor. After all, if a couple of lasses can do it, then anyone can right? ;)

Thanks for all the well-wishes. Even Sarah was nice (via text - so no proof) but, as you know, us 100%ers are only as good as the next WI, so full steam ahead for next week.

Suet Steve is Svelter this week.

Oh and my BMI dropped exactly 1 points from 26.8 to 25.8 with 6lb. that's a lot!