From Maximus to Minimus - coming soon!

. . . but apparently Gel seats are the way to go as they are too hard - even with padded shorts, apparently.
Forget the gel seats - I put one on my mountain bike at home and it just didn't work. I bought a much better seat and that works a treat.
PS I have 2 bikes - a mountain bike here with full suspension on the front forks and a "hybrid" at the apartment which has a much better seat. That was what made me go and buy a good one for my bike here!
Oh and speaking of accessories for bikes. As well as the safety kit (helmet especially;)) I need a new seat! - my little (and getting littler) boney, tush was sorely missing the padding it used to have. Sorely being the operative word!:eek:

I'm gonna get kitted up in either flourescent orange, yellow or lime green. I think I'll give pink a miss;)

I think you lovelies should have a vote cos as you know us blokes are rubbish with fashion;)

I'm firmly in the lime green camp too :D ... please note, the shorts have built in padding for those...delicate areas! ;)


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Beautiful.XTC said:
Ive got cycling shorts and theyre a god send esp on long rides. I did 54 miles last year and my bum stayed pain free. :D

Forgot to mention, I might just keep out of the bleedin' seat - more comfortable!!
My ex husband cycled 1000's of miles
He wore lycra shorts with a chamois insert, and used a normal leather racing seat, i.e. Rather narrow - but reckoned with a bit of perseverance they were far more comfy than any gel or padded wonder seats as the mould to your shape
I used to have a gel seat - which was quite comfy until it got a puncture: then it was just disgusting!

After that I relied on just kind of getting used to it. I've got enough padding in my rear end, and once I've had a couple of days of agony, it settles down and just feels normal! (Well, usual. I've never felt NORMAL in my life!)
Yep. That's pretty much the kind of scenario I was referring to.
Not pleasant.
These punctured gel saddles.......were they made by PiP?????? :D

I find a couple of tena lady in my knickers do the trick...killing two birds and all that :D:D
Ah, well I don't possess any Tena Lady.

YET. ......

(And how many birds are there in your knickers, Chels, if you can kill two???)
Ah, well I don't possess any Tena Lady.

YET. ......

(And how many birds are there in your knickers, Chels, if you can kill two???)

I've had a couple of vultures in there once or twice and the odd do-do :D

What is that old adage......a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush?????? :8855:'s well documented on here that I had an albatross down there once...:eek:

Afternoon Steve,

Just letting you know I didn't drown today :D

Actually I blooming well enjoyed myself! I'm starting to see why people do regular's never appealed to me before now. But it was so exciting to feel my muscles aching lol! It's not something I'm used to. And I must say I've been on a bit of a high all morning.

I imagine it's similar to the buzz (or fizz ;)) you get from completing a particulary long or difficult walk.

I hope this newly found enthusiasm lasts :rolleyes:
I've had a couple of vultures in there once or twice and the odd do-do :D

What is that old adage......a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush?????? :8855:

So - keep your hand out of your bush.
Or you'll have three to deal with at once.
I love hi-jacking Stevie's diary :D

Do you think that Steve wears budgie smugglers? Well, we are talking about feathery friends down underwear after all :D

Defitately a boxer boy methinks! ;)
Ladies please :p there's a time and a place for Steve and his underwear! ;) lol xx