Hi Steve,
I love a big juicy steak...not too bothered which cut it is just as long as its medium cooked. I always used to have it "cremated" as well...just too scared to try it with a bit of pink in it...but I finally plucked up the courage and now I wouldn't hav it cooked any other way.
And big brownie points Cousin Steve for eating the lads cake hunni...even tho you never normally touch it. What a hero u are!
Not sure I could've been so altruistic...
No need for that sort of language! - I assume you've been speaking to Sarah again using such vocabulary
:heartpump: Happy St. Dwynwen's Day!:heartpump:
Aah. St Dwynwen, the Cupid of the valleys no less lol. Or put another way, the Welsh equivalent of St Valentine's Day (for Lou).
Hapus Dydd Santes Dwynwen i gariadon ar hyd a lled ywlad!
That is meant to wish happy St Dwyn's day to lovers all over the principality
Ok enough of this frivolity and stupidity. I've decided to wind this diary, or rather these pages down. I'm not able to spend as much time on here as previously. I also wish to make the most of my spare time on other things and to be honest, sitting at the PC is not exactly helping my weight loss.
I'm not leaving minis altogether, I just hang around the off-topic section (where everyone is entitled to my opinion lol) as well as the odd cheeky remark on various diaries.
I'll perhaps post weekly updates on here, but as this is primarily a weightloss forum and I am still some way from my target, I feel as though I will have more to say when I've gotten there.
I never intended the diary to last this long (or SW come to think of it) and expected even less to bump into such a lot of mad like-minded people who like to have a laugh on the way and not entirely wrapped up in weightloss only. It does prove some welcome release, escapism if you like.
I tried limiting it to an hour per day/evening, but to be honest it takes almost an hour - often more, just to catch up with diaries
I do look forward to reaching target and then setting up a maintaining diary page - something I've failed to achieve despite reaching 3 various targets!
Many thanks for all the people who have read and contributed to these pages, and of course those who continue to read and contribute to them. Looking back from the beginning a lot have come and gone - the nature of diaries, forums and "trends"
Looking back to December 28 when I started the diary, Trefoil (whatever happened to Ruth?) posted on that first day, as did the lovely Gail. Sassy Sarah, and Val (who both reached target themselves) were also on the first page. I had a look earlier and was happy with 36in trousers and Medium tops at that time.
The day I started the diary I was 13st 1lb - today I am 11st 4lb - the trousers are now 32in and the tops are Small. - incidentally, that was the last time I was 13st as the next WI I was 12st 13.5 lol. So 25lb lighter than when I started the diary, although I did weigh 10.8 ironically on the date 10.8 (2011).
See you all on respective diaries etc. - oh and in the other sections too as there's loads more to minis than the diaries
Thanks for all the support and laughs on the way folks - oh and all the crap jokes were SkinnyDawn's, all the sarcasm was SassySarah's and any bits of inspiration or intelligence I may have accidentally shown were Gail's. As for corruption LouLou (so glad we have those dodgy texts lol)
I'm missing WI tonight, as I have a few other things to "put in place" (fail to prepare, prepare to fail). I have had a 100% week so not feeling as if I am hiding from anything

- besides, with my 8lb loss to date, I would prefer one of the newbies got the SOTM award
Remember I'll be lurking from time to time
Stalker Steve