From streaky bacon to lean rasher!

Hi, just been looking at your food diary and was wondering can i come live with you :) It all looks so yummy, apart from the Chocolate Philly. Its cheese people, chocolate cheese :p
Susanne it is really yummy honest! If you like cheesecake give it a bash, you wont be sorry. It doesn't taste cheesey at all, just lovely smooth chocolatey goodness!

You may want to change your mind about coming to live here after you see todays food. I am feeling craptastic today so food is bloody awful! Started to feel poorly after breakfast so had a bath and just couldn't get warm again when I got out despite having the electric blanket on and the biggest GAP fleece hoody on in the world. Managed to grab a brief nap and I'm all cozied up in bed feeling sorry for myself whilst hubby has taken the bratfinks to the park bless him. I'm lucky to have him!

Monday 13th Feb - 4PP 1/2 pint ss milk

Breakfast - 6PP
2 rashers bacon fat removes (2)
1 "fried egg" (2)
1 piece brown danish (1)
1 tsp light spread (1)

Lunch 4PP
apple (0)
2 light digestives (4) <really didn't feel like eating at all and wanted something plain>

Dinner 6PP
2 slices m&s apple and sultana bread (5)
2 tsps ICBINB Light (1)

Snack 14PP :eek: :eek: :eek:
Tesco finest chocolate and caramel millionaire's tart

Daily's 26/26
Weeklies 8

Weeklies remaining 30/49
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NumNumPigsBum said:
Susanne it is really yummy honest! If you like cheesecake give it a bash, you wont be sorry. It doesn't taste cheesey at all, just lovely smooth chocolatey goodness!

You may want to change your mind about coming to live here after you see todays food. I am feeling craptastic today so food is bloody awful! Started to feel poorly after breakfast so had a bath and just couldn't get warm again when I got out despite having the electric blanket on and the biggest GAP fleece hoody on in the world. Managed to grab a brief nap and I'm all cozied up in bed feeling sorry for myself whilst hubby has taken the bratfinks to the park bless him. I'm lucky to have him!

Monday 13th Feb - 4PP 1/2 pint ss milk

Breakfast - 6PP
2 rashers bacon fat removes (2)
1 "fried egg" (2)
1 piece brown danish (1)
1 tsp light spread (1)

Lunch 4PP
apple (0)
2 light digestives (4) <really didn't feel like eating at all and wanted something plain>


Daily's /26

Weeklies remaining /49

Chocolate Philli is bliss I totally agree if you like choc cheesecake your love this I brought some today after reading your page I had it on choc rice cake it was lusssshhhh ?
I STILL have not been able to get this choc philly!!!!!!
Drooling just thinking about, as being a complete chocolate head, this has got to be a dream cme true :)

Hope your feeling better, not surprised that you picked up something as the kids have all been snotty x
Now, whist today's food was completely craptacular I am still really pleased. If I had still been on SW I would have given up today, thought "sod it" and would have continued to eat crap until Friday and would have started afresh then. Because I'm still within my points limit I don't feel the need to do this and can just carry on as normal.

Yes, my choices today were awful and not healthy in the slightest BUT we all have days like this and knowing that I can have the odd day like today and still be on plan has made me feel so much more in control and better about the whole thing and I think I have actually chilled out a bit about it all instead of being all pent up and constantly wondering what I can and can't eat and stressing. So, week 1 WW thus far gets a huge thumbs up from me :)
Happy Lurve Day to you too Lynne :) :cupid:

So today I still feel poo :sick: Every time I stand up I feel mega dizzy and have to sit down so cooking will be a bare minimum today. Again not the best or most healthy of choices but still within my points and at least it's not complete and utter junk food :rolleyes:

Tuesday 14th Feb (lurve is in the aaaaiiiirrr, everywhere I look arooouuuunnndddd)

1/2 pint milk 4PP <I don't actually use a full half pint but I'll point it as that as I'm too lazy to properly measure it>

Brekky 4PP
half a banana (0)
1 slice M&S apple and sultana bread (3)
tsp ICBINB Light (1)

Lunch 6PP
WW tomato and basil soup (2)
2 slices brown danish (2)
caramel wafer (2)

Dinner 7PP
WW lasagne (7)
pink lady (0)

Snacks 7PP
WW caramel mallow (1)
2 light digestives (4) with 30g choc philly (2)

Dailys 26/26
Weeklies used 2

Weeklies remaining 28/49
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Happy V-day Mrs! Good yo see WW is helping you stay focused. ANy plans for tonight? x
Happy V day to you too :cupid:

Plans are hot ribena in bed with the electric blanket on and a couple of digestives and choc philly. How Rock 'n' Roll am I?! Still feel poo so I don't want to smother the love of my life with my boogers and general lurgy :D
Thanks Vicki! Feeling a bit better today. I actually managed to scrape myself out of bed this morning to feed the baby and the girls their breakfast. Currently eating mine but not enjoying it all. Lordy knows what made me choose the random combination I did but I won't be doing it again in a hurry!!:jelous:

Hope everyone had a lovely night filled with lurve :cupid: Hubby and I cozied up in bed and watched contagion, which probably wasn't the best choice considering my fragile state :eek:

Not too sure what I'm going to eat for the rest of the day, depends how I feel at the time

Wednesday 15th Feb - 4PP for milk

Brekky 4PP
WW peach yoghurt (1)
25g rice crispies (3)
banana (0)
satsuma (0)
<all mixed together, eww>

Lunch 4PP
bacon (2) sarnie (2)
pink lady (0)

Dinner 9PP
Pitta pizza:
Food Dr pitta (4)
tom puree (0)
peppers (0)
tomatoes (0)
light cheese (2)
itallian herbs (0)
100g Mccain rustic chips (3)
Side salad (0)

walkers cheese&onion 25g (4)
WW caramel wafer (2)

Dailys 27/26
Weeklies 1

Weeklies remaining 27/49


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Thanks good your on the mend - being ill with wee ones is never a good mix :)

ha just breakfast just made me laugh - it certainly sounds 'interesting' :D

i saw a recipe on here somewhere last night for a weetabix cake which was fruit, weetabix, egg and water mixed together and baked to have for breakfast - thats kind of similar to yours :cool:

v x
NumNumPigsBum said:
Thanks Vicki! Feeling a bit better today. I actually managed to scrape myself out of bed this morning to feed the baby and the girls their breakfast. Currently eating mine but not enjoying it all. Lordy knows what made me choose the random combination I did but I won't be doing it again in a hurry!!:jelous:

Hope everyone had a lovely night filled with lurve :cupid: Hubby and I cozied up in bed and watched contagion, which probably wasn't the best choice considering my fragile state :eek:

Not too sure what I'm going to eat for the rest of the day, depends how I feel at the time

Wednesday 15th Feb - 4PP for milk

Brekky 4PP
WW peach yoghurt (1)
25g rice crispies (3)
banana (0)
satsuma (0)
<all mixed together, eww>




Dailys 8/26

Weeklies remaining 28/49

Well done on scraping yourself outta the pit :D

Glad you're feeling better too!

Breakfast sounds absolutely vile!!

2 hours until my WI! Eek! xx
I have no idea why I made that concoction. I fancied cereal, but fancied fruit and yoghurt too so thought I'd throw it all together. It did not work at all!! I've seen the recipe for weetabix cake too and I just dont fancy it. I tried scan bran cake when I was on SW and it was vile! :jelous:

Good Luck Mrs S! Can't wait to hear how you've done!!
apologies for the upside down pic
Ah another day in frickin' paradise .. NOT! Only 9.30am and I've written off today as being S**T already! Hey ho I shant dwell on it!

Not too sure what today's food will bring as I am mega busy trying to get everything needed for the birthday bash this weekend. Kids are on half term too which adds another dimension into the mix :eek: I don't even want to think about all the shops with 3 kids right now, I may very well cry. I have 27 weeklies left so I'm pretty confident I'll be well within my allowance today despite my lack of planning.

Thursday 16th Feb

Brekky 7PP
2 slices M&S cranberry and raisin loaf (6)
2 tsp ICBINB (1)

Lunch 24PP OOOOOFT!!!!!!!!!
tesco light choices roast chicken and bacon salad sarnie (9)
malteser bunny (4)
fresh OJ (2)
shaken udder milkshake (9!!!!!) <--- avoid!!!

Nowt as I still feel EW! :sick:

Daily's used 26/26
Weeklies used 5

Weeklies remaining 22/49

I foolishly thought the milkshake was skimmed milk and would be low-ish points as it was a small bottle (330ml). Our survey says ... UH UH! Fricking full fat milk AND CREAM!! What a total numpty I am. In my defense though I randomly fainted in Tesco so I just grabbed something I thought would have natural sugar (the OJ) and crap sugar (the milkshake and bunny) to try and perk me up a bit. Next time I'll stick to the bunny on it's own!
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HOLY CRAPBAGS!!! :eek: It's weigh in day tomorrow, it's only just dawned on me. Scary bisquits!!!
Hope your day ends up better than it started
I am sure it will all come together, you know they will have a fab time. I bet the little ones are all quite excited lol
So the weigh in has commenced ....

4.5lbs off!!!! :woohoo:

I am so very happy :) I now weigh 11:6 (and a quarter) so my next goal is half a stone off to get me back into the 10's. If I could do that by my birthday at the end of April I would be over the moon.
