Helloooo, apologies for my absence but it has been hectic. 2 days off plan due to squillions of cake but I did warn you all

Back on plan today and I'm going to try and not use too many weeklies this week seeing as I probably blew double of them yesterday!
Everyone seems to be getting better slowly. I felt utterly horrific last night after everyone left and was asleep by 8.10pm Feeling much better today thankfully, just a bit of a sore head. Ben's anti biotics seem to have kicked in and he's almost back to himself, although 3.30am is his favourite time of night again *yawn*. Summer says she has earache so off to the docs with her tomorrow to see if it's an infection. There seems to be millions of bugs going around at the moment, everyone's getting poorly!
Attached is a pic of the cakes I made for Ben's birthday bash. They took forever and a day and there were lots of swear words uttered but I'm really chuffed with the way they turned out!