From streaky bacon to lean rasher!

Wahey! Fantastic hun, so happy for you :) x
Thank you everyone. I'm so happy at how easy it is to follow. Yes it's a pain in the bum having to point everything but it just becomes second nature really. Also very handy when M&S and tesco have the points equiivalent on their light range. Especially when needing to grab on the go.

Middle littley is kind of poorly today, Ben is very poorly today, eldest littley is very naughty and mummy is still poorly but nowhere near as bad as I was. This horrible bug just seems to keep lingering around. I wish it would just naff off!!

Friday 18th Feb

B: 0PP
1/2 a banana (0)
pink lady (0)

L: 9PP
1/2 can ww tom soup (1)
WW bagel (4)
30g mediium fat soft cheese (1)
1 slice ham (1)
200ml carton fresh apple juice (2)

D: 13PP
2 WWsausages (3)
100g rustic chips (3)
veg steam bag (1)
1/4 tin branston beans (3) <--- scary seeing as they were free on SW and I would easily eat a whole tin to myself
2 WW caramel mallows (3)

Snacks: 4PP
WW cheese nachos (2)
3 giant buttons (1?)
1 cup of tea, say (1) for a splash of milk?

Dailys used 26/26
Weeklies 0

Weeklies left 49/49

I shall begin this week by saying that I am fully prepared for a gain or a STS. Ben's bash is on Sunday so there will be a mass bake-a-thon tomorrow followed by a cake mountain and other nibbley things on Sunday. I will set aside a plate of food for myself and point it, but I'm not even going to attempt to point the cake. I'll try and cut back for the rest of the week and attempt to not use all of my weeklies to try and even things out.

I don't want anyone thinking I've gone off the rails after only 1 week which is why I'm puting it in writing now :p
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Poor Ben's temperature has crept up all day :( Just waiting on NHS 24 getting back to me to see if I've to take him to the out of hours surgery. My poorly little pork chop is just not himself. :cry:
Poor little sausage. hope he's ok xxx
fantastic loss, well done x
Hope Ben is better, and the rest of the family, you do like to share!
Helloooo, apologies for my absence but it has been hectic. 2 days off plan due to squillions of cake but I did warn you all :) Back on plan today and I'm going to try and not use too many weeklies this week seeing as I probably blew double of them yesterday!

Everyone seems to be getting better slowly. I felt utterly horrific last night after everyone left and was asleep by 8.10pm Feeling much better today thankfully, just a bit of a sore head. Ben's anti biotics seem to have kicked in and he's almost back to himself, although 3.30am is his favourite time of night again *yawn*. Summer says she has earache so off to the docs with her tomorrow to see if it's an infection. There seems to be millions of bugs going around at the moment, everyone's getting poorly!

Attached is a pic of the cakes I made for Ben's birthday bash. They took forever and a day and there were lots of swear words uttered but I'm really chuffed with the way they turned out!


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    cookie and elmo.jpg
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Monday 20th Feb - 2PP for milk

Brekky 3PP
1 WW sausage (1)
1 egg (2)
mushrooms (0)
tomatoes (0)

Lunch 3PP
carrot and lentil soup (2)
1/3 bag mini cheddars (1)


Daily's used /26

Weeklies remaining 49/49 (not including cake-gate)
Who could blame you in indulging in those cakes, they look amazing!:drool:

Glad that some of you are on the mend, and hope that Summer doesn't have a ear infection x
NumNumPigsBum said:
Helloooo, apologies for my absence but it has been hectic. 2 days off plan due to squillions of cake but I did warn you all :) Back on plan today and I'm going to try and not use too many weeklies this week seeing as I probably blew double of them yesterday!

Everyone seems to be getting better slowly. I felt utterly horrific last night after everyone left and was asleep by 8.10pm Feeling much better today thankfully, just a bit of a sore head. Ben's anti biotics seem to have kicked in and he's almost back to himself, although 3.30am is his favourite time of night again *yawn*. Summer says she has earache so off to the docs with her tomorrow to see if it's an infection. There seems to be millions of bugs going around at the moment, everyone's getting poorly!

Attached is a pic of the cakes I made for Ben's birthday bash. They took forever and a day and there were lots of swear words uttered but I'm really chuffed with the way they turned out!

Waaaah they're amazing!!!

Good to have you back, don't be passing those germs this way! xx
Those cakes look amazing, no wonder you have been busy trying to get it all done :)
Hope the little fella enjoyed his day, I am sure you made it a special one even if it half killed you lol
Wishing the family all better x
sorry, I've been feeling proper emotional this week. We had a pretty rough time with Ben's pregnancy and we didn't know if he'd make it and if he did would he be poorly etc etc. This week has just brought it all back so I've been molly coddling him and being a hormental wilderbeast. I've given myself a shake and a good talking to today so I've managed to prize myself away from him so I can update this. Food has been fine the past few days with the exception of cake. There has been way too much of it! I baked far too many and then bought another teeny one on top of that for yesterday as I felt bad for him not having one on his actual birthday lol. Fully prepared for a gain tomorrow but I'm actually fine with that! Shopping day today. I've just written out the weeks menu and am about to write out my list. Ben has a fair few hospital/dr's appts next week so I'm afraid to say there are a good couple of days worth of "convenience food" planned in, BUT, all within points allowance!

Thursday 23rd Feb - 4PP 1/2 pint ss milk
B: 4PP
2 slices WW brown danish toast (2), ICBINB (1), WW jam (1)

L: 6PP
2 slices WW brown (2), 28g cath city lighter (2), 1 slice ham (1), toms, cuc, onion, extra light mayo (1 I think, not sure how much hubby used so I'll point in case)
Latte (milk from allowance)



Dailys used: 14/26
Weeklies used ppfffffttt

Weeklies remaining: -13713482375829528648237492

(does anyone know how I can get my diary moved to members only section?)
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Aw he is adorable. Sorry to hear you've been on a bit of a hormental rollercoaster, stoopid hormones :hug99: Look at him though, he is fab. I don't blame you for having to be prised away from him.

If you message an admin/moderator they will move your diary for you :)
hi there diary is fabulous wish mine was half as good , just wondered were did u get reciepe for macaroni and vegatable bake thingy looks delish x
Aw gorgeous boy!!

Being a mummy is THE hardest job in the world!! Don't beat yourself up cuz you have emotions and feelings!

Planning is all good - and I guess convenience food is all good as long as properly counted xx