Today has not gone well at all food wise, with all my plans of being good and staying on plan out the window at the first sign of hunger pangs.
Here goes.....we went to tgi's! I had sesame chicken strips to start, then Jack Daniels ribs with chips and onion rings. :cry:
Then at around 6pm I had a caramel sundae from McDonalds while the kids were eating their dinner :cry: :cry:
I'm so disappointed in myself and I could feel my resolve to be good fading fast as the morning went on. I ate my alpen lights and fruit as soon as we got to the bowling as I was so hungry and once that was finished, I was still hungry.
I do however want to write down how I've been feeling today, so that I can look back and see what it was/is that triggers the bad eating habits.
Firstly, I'm exhausted. Mentally and physically. Both with getting up every single night for the last 11 months with my little one, and then also having a very boisterous toddler to run around after day in, day out.
Secondly, I'm stressed out about going back to work. I can't stop thinking about it and feel sick thinking that it's just 4 days away.

I really dislike my job, well it's not so much the job as some of the people I work with and the thought of going back there, and even worse, being this weight just makes me want to run away and hide. :cry:
Thirdly, spending time with my sister...however enjoyable, always makes me want to eat. I don't know why as she is as skinny as a rake, and I just feel miserable standing next to her, so I eat!
Fourthly, I just feel so down right now. Probably got something to do with points 1 and 2, but I just can't shake it off and it just makes me want to eat. It's a vicious circle. :cry:
I'm not trying to make excuses, as there is no excuse for my terrible eating habits today, and I'm scared that I'm not going to be able to bring it back tomorrow and be good. I just feel miserable. :cry:
Sorry for the miserable post. I just had to get it all down.