Thank you all so much for thinking of me and wishing me good luck. Sorry I didn't have a chance to come on lastnight and let you know how it went. I got home to find my toddler wide awake and spent two hours getting him to sleep!
As for my day...well, it wasn't as bad as I'd built it up to be. I was so scared driving to work and felt sick the whole way there. I don't know if I said but we've been temporarily moved to a different hopsital that i've never been in before so I also had the worry of finding where I was to go! Then I got there and the ward was shut!! :sigh: I'd got there half an hour early and eventually someone let me in, then a few of my colleagues came in and they were nice ones so made me feel better by telling me not to worry etc.
There was one girl in particular who walked by me at first and wasn't even going to say hello but I said hi to her and she gave me a half hearted hello back, but that was about all she said to me all day. She's very very rude generally so I didn't let her get to me, where I normally would.
The day itself went okay, I'm back tomorrow and can't say i'm looking forward to it but now that first day is over with at least some of my worries will be alleviated. I still have to see all the other nurses etc that I work with but i'm just going to hold my head high and not let any snide looks or whispering get to me.
My diet as I expected has gone to pot this week but it's weigh day today. I wasn't going to go, but I know that's the worst thing I can do so i'm going to be brave and go. One thing I realised from working yesterday is how hard I find it to stick to plan during work as our breaks are sporadic, we don't get a break after our lunch, and we work till 7.45pm. Most of the ppl I work with are slim, and those who aren't just eat biscuits and chocolate, so i'm going to find it a stuggle but I'm going to try my best to stick to it those two days i'm working and be super good the rest of the time.
I also had to get my photo taken again for a pass to get me into this new hospital and oh my goodness, it's amazing the difference from this one to my last one which was taken 2 yrs ago. My face is so round and has no shape to it whatsoever. It's really embarrassing. Plus when we get changed we do it in this tiny cupboard with everyone else...and i'm so embarrassed about my body that it can only give me motivation to do this.
Thanks Lashes for the good luck for weigh in...I know i'll have put on but a line will be drawn (yes, another one

) and will start afresh from today.
Will post my weigh in results when I can.
Thanks again everyone xx