It's been 6 days since my last post. I've messed about quite a bit but am 100% back on my own track now.
I sat and read the JUDDDD thread during my lunchbreak last week and decided to give it a shot. I decided to start on an ud as this would be easier to deal with, rather than waking up and thinking 'oh my god I can't eat today'. It went well (obviously !!!) The dd really hit me though, when I did cd I didn't do ss because of my blood sugar levels, I always did 790. I got to 4pm and couldn't face only having a Vanilla muffin for my tea so had a weight watchers lasagne. I felt miserable, like i'd really let myself down. Why do I always mess myself around? I know that counting calories works for me, and thanks to Karion I have found weight loss resources, which is amazing. So why do I insist on eating junk while i'm looking for the miracle diet that will allow me to lose 4 stone overnight?
I spoke to my hubby, who is very anti-dieting. He is a big believer in eating what you like and exercising every day. It works for him, ands i'm sure it would work for me, but somehow I have this fear of eating whatever I like. For obvious reasons (being 16 stone) I can eat well

o) but my junk food eating is usually done before starting a diet, or on a day off a diet. I don't think I could eat whatever I liked when trying to lose weight...does that make sense?
With this in mind I had a cup of tea and sat down to watch big brother. I started thinking about my life and how I've spent the last 15 years worrying about weight, I've jumped from one diet to another and gained more and more weight. It's not a fault of the diets, but a fault of my own. I see diets as punishment, and so go stupid before starting them. When I started cd I spent 3 weeks bingeing before the start date, then after a week lost 7lb so decided to give myself a day off. This day off lasted 5 weeks!
Yesterday I got up and had a cd pack and a cup of tea. Then at lunchtime I had a box of micro chips, 2 slices bread and 2 tsp anchor lighter. Afternoon snack was Rice Crispies Cereal Bar. Tea was Pasta, 1 tbsp pesto, 2 tsp parmesan, dry fried mushrooms. That was it all day. I logged all my food into weight loss resources and I'd had just over 1400 cals. I had also done a 30 minute interval run (60secs running/90secs fast walk) so this works out (roughly) at 220 cals burnt off.
I went to bed last night feeling fantastic. Healthy, exhilerated from the exercise, positive and confident about my weight loss efforts. When I got up this morning i'd lost 1.25lb so I feel this is my path to follow.
In another post a couple of minimins members told me to follow a diet I can stick to, rather than a diet I keep stopping and's the best advice I've had. It might sound obvious, but that's my problem I think that I can live on 3 cd packs a day until it comes to doing it, then I feel i've failed. Now, I know I can live like this forever, I enjoy it it makes me happy, and I'm losing weight.
So, after such a marathon post, thank you to everyone for offering advice. It's been taken and it''s been right!