Frumpster's Diary - 790 here we go!

Yeah, thats why I'm having it. I have really dry skin, to the extent that after a shower I have to put 3 lots of moisturiser on my face to stop the pain. I've spent thousands on creams, lotions and potions over the years but guess what? good old oliy fish sorts it out no problem! If I eat oily fish 2-3 times a week my skins goes lovely and soft! I wonder if cod liver oil capsules would have the same effect? Anyone know anything about this?

Hi Frumpster,

Eating oily fish is very good.

We use eye q fish oils and a friend of mine found them very good for her dry skin.

They are a bit more expensive than ordinary fish oils but the quality is exceptional.

Delighted to see you so happy on your calorie counting and that it is going so well for you.

Love Mini xxx
Thanks Mini,

I have had a look at that site. I've ordered some of the Eye Q capsules....fingers crossed.

I surpassed myself today and have run for 10 minutes...woo hoo! :character00116: Is anyone else running, jogging, walking or any other aerobic exercise as part of their routine? If so what sort of effect does it have on your weight loss? I weighed myself this morning and am 16 stone 1½ lbs. I've stayed the same for a few days.

Looking forward to lunch today...Vanilla CD pack made into Muffin! Mmmmmmmmmm :D

I am back walking...doing good if I put one foot in front of the other:D It has been years since I tried to run:eek:

Saying that I do a little stretch exercise and massage regularly, but I use to be super fit back in the old days.:boohoo:

I am determined to go for a walk every day and improve my fitness level. Even went as far as looking into going swimming:rolleyes: I was waiting to be slim because I feel embarrassed about my size but I am going to bite the bullet, that is if I can get a swim suit I feel okay in:cry: ....To go swimming will be a major step forward for me.

I surpassed myself today and have run for 10 minutes...woo hoo! :character00116:

Well done!!!!!!!!!

Love Mini xxx
I was waiting to be slim because I feel embarrassed about my size

I'm exactly the same. I know that swimming will make me more toned and help me get to goal quicker, but I'm too embarrassed to go swimming's a viscious circle.

I saw some lovely swimsuits on next's website, they go up to a size 22 but have tummy control in them, and they have them in black!!! It made me chuckle (in a self-pitying way :) ) about tummy control in a size 22 swim suit. I'd need a full all-in-one neck-to-toe control suit!!

I would love to go swimming. It's one activity where you feel great straight afterwards, and it's really relaxing.

Good luck with the walking, my Mum used walking as her only form of exercise when she was dieting and she's lost nearly 5 stone now. She incraesed it every day from a 5 minute walk to a 30 minute walk. It took her 8 months to lose her weight.

Weight is still the same...grrr. I feel loads better in myself though, so not going to get down about it. This board is great, the times I would usually nosedive into a bag of Doritos I come on here and read all the fab advice and it stops me.

I have hired a treadmill to give my running a boost, getting a little bored on running on the spot!! I am still managing 15 minutes, not really keen to incraese it at the moment as my knees are a little achey (is that the right word :confused: ) in the mornings.

I am watching the Johnson UpDay DownDay Diet thread with a lot of interest, although i'm not sure how I would cope on 500 cals a day...YIKES! The thing that appeals about it is that you don't go into Ketosis. When I did cd I hated ketosis, it made me feel really funny (in a strange way, not funny ha ha!)

I could do with a few good weight loss vibes, so if anyone has any spare vibes could they send them this way please:)

I've replied to your other post frumpster, so go on , be a JUDDER, you know you want to join the hippest, grooviest group around!

Hee hee...

I'm going to do it!

I'm starting Monday (as all good diets start on mondays ;) )

I've got a mad weekend coming up so want to give this a really good go.

Yay, i've got butterflies I feel really excited :D
Good on you! I'm really chuffed to welcome you to the JUDDDERERS!!!!
Yayyy Frumpster - welcome aboard the good ship JUDDER!
Thanks Barb & Russiandoll

I feel like a kid getting all excited on xmas eve :D
The good news is Frumpster that 4 days in I still feel like that. This is just such a good plan, i really think it takes the whole all or nothing thing out of the equation; interesting example follows! Yesterday I was out with my Mum and we stopped for a coffee and a shortbread, normally if dieting i would have refused it, if not dieting i would have eaten the whole thing, Judddering I ate half and left the rest!!!!!!!! I can't really explain it but I just felt under no pressure to eat it when I had had enough! Intriguing isn't it?

Here we are again.

I have decided against JUDDDD and I am going to carry on doing my own thing. It was working ok before, maybe I just didn't give it enough time. Plus, when I averaged out my calories over the whole week I had actually had nearly 1900 cals each day. It's shocking the effect that one chinese takeaway can have on an otherwise perfect week! So it's no wonder that I didn't lose :rolleyes:

I have nothing against JUDDDD, in fact reading the posts on the JUDDDD thread I feel really happy for those who are enjoying following it. I admire those following the plan, but I know I would struggle with the DD's (I'm still daydreaming of that perfect diet where weightloss if easy and instant:D) and I also know I wouldn't be able to be as sensible as the other JUDDDDERS on the UD's I have a history of bingeing.

I now have 16½ weeks until my holiday and I have started thinking about cancelling the holiday. I am desperate to go, but I can't bear the thought of another ruined holiday as a result of my weight, and my attitude to my weight.

I am making a fresh start and aim to have:

* Mid Morning CD pack
* Early Afternoon CD Pack
* Late Afternoon CD Pack
* Evening 450 cal meal
* Plus ½ Pint Skimmed Milk each day
* Plus 30 minutes running/walking each day.

My aim is to have 3 stone off by mid-september. :sign0009:

It's been 6 days since my last post. I've messed about quite a bit but am 100% back on my own track now.

I sat and read the JUDDDD thread during my lunchbreak last week and decided to give it a shot. I decided to start on an ud as this would be easier to deal with, rather than waking up and thinking 'oh my god I can't eat today'. It went well (obviously !!!) The dd really hit me though, when I did cd I didn't do ss because of my blood sugar levels, I always did 790. I got to 4pm and couldn't face only having a Vanilla muffin for my tea so had a weight watchers lasagne. I felt miserable, like i'd really let myself down. Why do I always mess myself around? I know that counting calories works for me, and thanks to Karion I have found weight loss resources, which is amazing. So why do I insist on eating junk while i'm looking for the miracle diet that will allow me to lose 4 stone overnight?

I spoke to my hubby, who is very anti-dieting. He is a big believer in eating what you like and exercising every day. It works for him, ands i'm sure it would work for me, but somehow I have this fear of eating whatever I like. For obvious reasons (being 16 stone) I can eat well :)o) but my junk food eating is usually done before starting a diet, or on a day off a diet. I don't think I could eat whatever I liked when trying to lose weight...does that make sense?

With this in mind I had a cup of tea and sat down to watch big brother. I started thinking about my life and how I've spent the last 15 years worrying about weight, I've jumped from one diet to another and gained more and more weight. It's not a fault of the diets, but a fault of my own. I see diets as punishment, and so go stupid before starting them. When I started cd I spent 3 weeks bingeing before the start date, then after a week lost 7lb so decided to give myself a day off. This day off lasted 5 weeks!

Yesterday I got up and had a cd pack and a cup of tea. Then at lunchtime I had a box of micro chips, 2 slices bread and 2 tsp anchor lighter. Afternoon snack was Rice Crispies Cereal Bar. Tea was Pasta, 1 tbsp pesto, 2 tsp parmesan, dry fried mushrooms. That was it all day. I logged all my food into weight loss resources and I'd had just over 1400 cals. I had also done a 30 minute interval run (60secs running/90secs fast walk) so this works out (roughly) at 220 cals burnt off.

I went to bed last night feeling fantastic. Healthy, exhilerated from the exercise, positive and confident about my weight loss efforts. When I got up this morning i'd lost 1.25lb so I feel this is my path to follow.

In another post a couple of minimins members told me to follow a diet I can stick to, rather than a diet I keep stopping and's the best advice I've had. It might sound obvious, but that's my problem I think that I can live on 3 cd packs a day until it comes to doing it, then I feel i've failed. Now, I know I can live like this forever, I enjoy it it makes me happy, and I'm losing weight.

So, after such a marathon post, thank you to everyone for offering advice. It's been taken and it''s been right!


It's run day again today. I'm going to do it a little later I feel and ankles haven't fully recovered my my running stint on Monday yet :p

I weighed in again this morning and has lost another 0.5lb, that 2.25lb in 3 days! I swear it's the running thats doing it. Plus I took Kates advice about my calorie intake and dropped to around 1200 per day and it's really helping....thanks Kate :D

I'm feeling happy still and very motivated. Here's to another good day, and a good run ( :help2: )
I went to bed last night feeling fantastic. Healthy, exhilerated from the exercise, positive and confident about my weight loss efforts. When I got up this morning i'd lost 1.25lb so I feel this is my path to follow.

In another post a couple of minimins members told me to follow a diet I can stick to, rather than a diet I keep stopping and's the best advice I've had. It might sound obvious, but that's my problem I think that I can live on 3 cd packs a day until it comes to doing it, then I feel i've failed. Now, I know I can live like this forever, I enjoy it it makes me happy, and I'm losing weight.

Snipped a lot of your brilliant post but loved it all.

Finding the right diet is so important, and also remembering that the right diet now, might not be the right diet further along, and then to know the right time to move away and try something new.

Once you've found that diet, losing weight doesn't because quite so much of a focus does it. A great side effect though :D

Well done for the running and the weightloss so far! You're on a roll:cool:
I loved hearing about your running on the spot in the kitchen and, you know what? I'm gonna start doing it too!

I was only emailing a friend this morning that I'd like to have a go at running, but didn't know if it would be my cup of tea, and didn't want to go out with her and her running friends only to collapse before the warm up is over...

So you've done me a big favour by showing me the OBVIOUS!

Re your holiday - if you see my ticker, you'll see how much I lost (although now working at last stone AGAIN!)... trust me, if you can get a few stone off by your holiday, you'll feel so much better in yourself, in your head, that you'll strut in your swimsuit FEELING slim. Leastwise that was my experience.
I run on the spot in front of the TV! It makes the time pass much more enjoyably. You almost forget that you are running.

And it's free!
My hubby and I have had a really good chat today about our holiday coming up in 15 weeks. I asked him whether we should postpone it, and after a couple of hours of discussion we have agreed to cancel and re-book for next April.

Thankfully we won't lose any deposit as we are simply moving the booking to next season.

I feel like a weight has been lifted from me. So my weight loss targets can be more realistic, instead of wanting 3 stone off in 15 weeks I'm aiming for 5 stone off in 10 months! Thats half stone per month. I'm going to carry on as I have been on wlr counting calories and running. My dream is to buy a juicy couture tracksuit (a tasteful black not cerise a la Coleen McGloughlin!!!) for the flight, so thats going to be my reward to myself.

Phew. The other bonuses are that my little boy will be potty trained fully by April, plus it gives us longer to save up more spends so we can enjoy Disney to the maximum!!

I feel relieved, that I can now aim for 2lb per week and know that I will be slim in time for my hols, rather than hoping for a miracle.
Once you've found that diet, losing weight doesn't because quite so much of a focus does it. A great side effect though :D

Thanks Karion, you're so right.I've always thought of calorie counting as boring, but no matter how you jazz it up weight loss boils down to calories in v calories out :) I enjoy cal counting, I feel in control of food again.

I loved hearing about your running on the spot in the kitchen and, you know what? I'm gonna start doing it too!

Good luck Maintainer, it's great fun even if your neighbours do think your a nutter! :crazy: Keep at it every day and before you know it you'll be entering the London Marathon!!
It's Monday morning and I am in shock.

I called Disney this morning to discuss changing our tickets from September to April 08 and they said they are non-refundable :eek: She said that we would lose them, they cost #330 for 2 weeks unlimited access. We just can't afford to lose that. I then clarified with Airtours about changing the flights and they said they would have to apply a #50 charge per person to the booking for moveing the date. I think thats understandable, but OMG!

We sat down over breakfast and had another chat. We were basically changing the holiday because of me and my weight. How selfish does that make me? I need to tackle this blasted weight issue and go on holiday as originally planned. Ok, so i'm not going to be a size 12, but in 15 weeks I could certainly lose some weight and if I exercise enough I could definitely drop a dress size or two!

I am currently 16st and size 22. My new goal is to get down to 13st 7lb and a size 16 in 15 weeks. Optimistic...yep!

The plan is to stick to approx 1000 cals and alternate running with Tae Bo each day. I'm going to aim for 2½lb loss each week. I think it's ambitious, but it's worth a shot.

After the hol I will return to 1500 cals a day with regular exercise and will get back on board the wlr school of thought as I know it's the right move for me and it's something I can do long term.

So, here we go. 101 days and 35lbs to go :D