Well done you!

Week 67- Day 1 (Tues)- Extra Easy- Annual Leave.

Late breakfast- Small tin Heinz curry beans, 2 frylighted eggs, mushrooms and grilled tomatoes. Reggae reggae sauce (2 syns).

Lunch/mid avo snack- Batchelors roast veg Cup-a-pasta and a vanilla/choc sprinkles with black cherry underlayer Mullerlight (2 syns).

Late tea/supper- Tagliatelle with salmon, prawns, spring onions, spinach, ricotta (ricotta cheese 42g- HEXa), dill & lemon juice. Fresh pineapple. An apple. 2 Summer Fruit Alpen Lights (HEXb).

On return home from choir practice- Some left over cooked carrot batons and broccoli with a little Nandos extra hot piri-piri sauce (0.5 syns). 2 oranges.

Total syns 4.5
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Week 67- Day 2 (Wed)- Extra Easy- Annual leave.

Breakfast- very light as doing Davina DVD- A small pear and a kiwi fruit.

Had date with Davina! A bit disappointed in myself as I found it particularly hard today! Had to sit down a couple of times to get breath back when I should really have been fighting it and keeping going!! Maybe it's because I haven't done it for a week- felt a bit disheartened, but then again I'm still very new to it! It's funny how I can walk 10 miles no problem at all, but struggle to do 40 mins of an exercise DVD- I suppose it's just a completely different thing- the intensity is pretty high and my body isn't used to my heart rate going up to 130bpm!! But heeyy, at least I did it!! I plan to do it another twice before Monday's WI and also get a good walk in somewhere too!X

Lunch- Chicken and salad (mixed salad leaves, tomato, beetroot and 1tbspn xl salad cream- 1 syn) in Co-op wholemeal pitta (HEXb).

Tea- 2 Quorn lamb-style grills with stirfried veg and rosemary chips cooked in Actifry (using spoon of oil- 2 syns for 1/3 of them).With Reggae Reggae sauce (2 syns).

Skimmed/semi-skimmed milk in several cups of tea- (less than HEXa).

Late evening- orange/choc sprinkles Mullerlight and an orange.

Total syns 5.
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your diary looks ace - well done babe!!! puts mine to shame!!! xxx

Today is not over yet Ellebabes, today is not over...!! And did you see my weekend syns?! That's why I'm being mega mega good this week whenever I can- I don't want the weekend to bite me on the bum next Monday! AAANDD I'm out for tea with pals Thurs and then out for lunch Fri PLUUUSS we're going to a 'Burns Night' house party on Sat so who knows what syns will await!! I have to really keep my syns to a min between now and then!! Had a date with Davina earlier!! She nearly killed me- it's soooo hard!!!X
Week 67- Day 3 (Thurs)- Extra Easy- Annual leave.

Breakfast- 28g porridge (HEXb) with 175ml skimmed milk (1/2 HEXa), sliced banana, blueberries and chopped kiwi fruit.

Lunch-2 Hot & spicy marinated chicken steaks (from with Sharwoods medium egg noodles and salad- mixed leaves, cherry tomatoes, beetroot, spring onions. 1/2 tbspn sweet chilli sauce (1 syn) and 1 tbspn xl salad cream (1 syn).

Tea- Went to a new 'Brains' restaurant on 28th floor of a tower right by the sea on Swansea Marina- Seafood risotto with smoked salmon, king prawns, crab , Swansea Bay cockles and wilted rocket £7.95 / £10.95.

The food was delicious- Had the risotto- came with bread roll and had some salad with it (side salad shared with friends). (?15 syns for whole thing because I think there was some cream and a little white wine in it).

At home- Cadburys light chocolate mousse (3 syns).

Total syns 20. Did not have all of HEXa. 20 is fine as I haven't had many syns for past 2 days.
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Thanks guys, I'm quite excited! Yes Red, I lurrrve Joe's sausages and the other products in their range and so lovely to know they're syn free!! I hadn't had a delivery for months and got another a couple of weeks ago- it reminded me how fab they were and a great selection! Stick'em in the freezer and bring them out as and when you fancy them! I have hot & spicy chicken steaks and also peppered chicken steaks defrosted in the fridge! Yuuurrm!!X
The inside of the restaurant looks a bit like OXO in London... that also has a great view (although not a 28 storey building). Like your choice of food again for the restaurant.
The inside of the restaurant looks a bit like OXO in London... that also has a great view (although not a 28 storey building). Like your choice of food again for the restaurant.

There were only 2 things on the menu vaguely SW compatible, a seafood tagliatelle and the seafood risotto above!! And even then there may be lots of hidden oil or butter!! But that's the only synnage I'll have tomorrow- will try and make the rest of the day syn-free! Grrwww will someone PLEEEAAASE open up a chain of SW restaurants!! They'd make a bomb!! X