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It's so hard when someone makes out you're the bad one. I've got a similar situation - an ex friend and business partner rather than a husband though. It's been 3 years since everything went wrong and I know she's made out it was me. I still get so angry that she's not been honest about why she lost her home - it was her decision many months before we fell out. I think of it every day so I know how you feel. I can't offer you the answer or any particularly wise words about how to get over the anger and annoyance at someone's lies but I can tell you it slowly becomes less important. I'm now at the stage where I'm thinking 'why do I let her lies take up my time?' Talk to the people who really matter to you (I still haven't done that but I am going to) and really try not to worry about the others. Be honest with people (there was fault on both sides) as people like that and will believe you. I really hope you feel better. Please don't waste too much of your time and energy thinking about him and his lies. You will get the chance one day to tell your side of the story. Hope you're ok today. Keep your chin up and head held high. And another thing....get yourself looking fantastic - best way to feel better lol xx