really trying again!
Not sure on the old keto-stix thing to be honest as they are so unreliable. I would suggest going by you instead. I don;t think they will make a difference as it was a one off and cant; be that much more but I am no expert. Not like you've gone and had chips or anything is it!
I much prefer eductaion on the job too and that is what I do as I am nurse and a practice educator within my workplace. I'm just completing my post-grad certificate in education which qualifies me to teach and is also year one of my masters so I am now up for year 2 and 3 to get it finished. Crazy indeed but in my field of work you need to have these things under your belt for quality assurance, audit etc. Been interesting but very hard doing it with working full time too.
Clearly MM's is far more fun tho as have spent most of the day on here- naughty naughty!
I much prefer eductaion on the job too and that is what I do as I am nurse and a practice educator within my workplace. I'm just completing my post-grad certificate in education which qualifies me to teach and is also year one of my masters so I am now up for year 2 and 3 to get it finished. Crazy indeed but in my field of work you need to have these things under your belt for quality assurance, audit etc. Been interesting but very hard doing it with working full time too.
Clearly MM's is far more fun tho as have spent most of the day on here- naughty naughty!