Gaga's Bulging Epic Battle......

Sounding super motivated Gaga, I love it xx

Thanks Ali xxx

What a positive and motivating post! Stay focused LadyG :hug99: xx

Thanks miss giggles xx

Havent slept today so feeling like poo!!!! I know food won't make me any better tho so I'm not going down that road! For now I shall seek solice in a hot chocolate shake and I have not tried one of those before..

Happy Easter bunnykins xxx :17729:
ladygaga said:
Thanks Ali xxx

Thanks miss giggles xx

Havent slept today so feeling like poo!!!! I know food won't make me any better tho so I'm not going down that road! For now I shall seek solice in a hot chocolate shake and I have not tried one of those before..

Happy Easter bunnykins xxx :17729:

Oh no poor you :( so sorry you haven't slept x dud you try the choc hot? I have it with sweetener x
Hey hunni, wow your defo on this wagon ain't yah?! Love it :D
Now then.... Have we started the shred yet??
I just done, when I say done I mean, done as much as I bloody could of level 2!!! Jesus!! That's all, Jesus!! Hehe xx
Oh no poor you :( so sorry you haven't slept x dud you try the choc hot? I have it with sweetener x

Thanks Dusty- I can't believe I have never tried it hot- was well lush!!! I always have a sweetner in the shakes anyway but this was uber lovely xxxx

Hey hunni, wow your defo on this wagon ain't yah?! Love it :D
Now then.... Have we started the shred yet??
I just done, when I say done I mean, done as much as I bloody could of level 2!!! Jesus!! That's all, Jesus!! Hehe xx

I'm defo on the wagon babe- I have to be as am way too lardy to do anything else! Hate my body too much to come off plan or be naughty!!! As for shredding......erm not just yet! I aim to try bext weekend as I am working all week! I promise I will, plus swimming when the scrotes go back to school xxx

As for weigh in! Had a STS. Scales were showing a pound loss on Fri but have now gained that pound since- have no idea why!!! Hey ho, I shall take this on the chin and get prepped for a better result next week.
I think our scales must be related Gaga !!!

C'mon.... a TS day ahead
Totally naff hey....wish I'd had some crispy cakes now to make it worth it!!!

They weren't worth it chick :(
I so wish I had restrained :eek:
Oh, and I had a packet of McCoys too....
I dont really deserve a STS when I think about it :rolleyes:
They weren't worth it chick :(
I so wish I had restrained :eek:
Oh, and I had a packet of McCoys too....
I dont really deserve a STS when I think about it :rolleyes:

So you had a wee bit of fun're back on track again now and that weight will be zapped in no time. Don;t be hard on yourself. You deserve every success- fact xxx
ladygaga said:
Thanks Dusty- I can't believe I have never tried it hot- was well lush!!! I always have a sweetner in the shakes anyway but this was uber lovely xxxx

I'm defo on the wagon babe- I have to be as am way too lardy to do anything else! Hate my body too much to come off plan or be naughty!!! As for shredding......erm not just yet! I aim to try bext weekend as I am working all week! I promise I will, plus swimming when the scrotes go back to school xxx

As for weigh in! Had a STS. Scales were showing a pound loss on Fri but have now gained that pound since- have no idea why!!! Hey ho, I shall take this on the chin and get prepped for a better result next week.

Yay glad you liked it darling :)
STS is a bit sucky but it's not a gain and I bet next weeks will be a big one :)
Boo to Tuesday's.....I'm hungry and fed up today peeps!! How can I go from one emotion to the opposite!!

hey how...time for a shake and some mm time for sheering up. Not going to scale hop this week as can't face that either!

Sorry miserable gaga today- normal service will presume soon xxx
ladygaga said:
Boo to Tuesday's.....I'm hungry and fed up today peeps!! How can I go from one emotion to the opposite!!

hey how...time for a shake and some mm time for sheering up. Not going to scale hop this week as can't face that either!

Sorry miserable gaga today- normal service will presume soon xxx

It'll be those silly scales just ignore them for a week and they'll be much nicer x
I'm angry too lodger has pissed me off! Really fed up of stupid lodgers might buy a lottery ticket then if I win I can throw her out and turn her room into a gym lol
It'll be those silly scales just ignore them for a week and they'll be much nicer x
I'm angry too lodger has pissed me off! Really fed up of stupid lodgers might buy a lottery ticket then if I win I can throw her out and turn her room into a gym lol

Oh no........what's stupid-lodger done now chick? Need me to drive up to Oxford with large portions of whoop-ass??#

I'm hoping today is a better one- my mood is through the roof. Work is absolutely vile right now and I'm truly hating it. Thinking about it from the moment I wake up until I go to bed, even on days off!! It's just soooooo stressful so guess that can't be helping! Day off today so off tosee my mate for cuddles and coffeee- sadly no cake allowed through my stubborn lips!!!

I think I may have doomed myself by setting goals as I never done that before. I always had an end goal in place but couldn;t set mid-term ones for fear of not reaching them and the upset it would cause me! So now I'm under a month away from my first goal and still got 13lbs of mighty lard to shift!!!!!!!

Come on scales.....please be nice to me on Monday or else I fear for national nutella supplies!!!!!
Hello Gaga, how you doing? I'm back to join you girls as Im back to my sad miserable huge self. You're doing amazing, keep away from the nutella :)
Hello Gaga, how you doing? I'm back to join you girls as Im back to my sad miserable huge self. You're doing amazing, keep away from the nutella :)

Thanks Pingu and welcome back- now doubt you will be blasting away those pounds in no time! No nutella in the house thankfully or else I cannot comment on what would happen to it lol!!! Just had a hot chocolate shake and in my jammies already having kitty cuddles on the sofa which already has made me feel better. Roll on tomorrow and better times xxx
ladygaga said:
Thanks Pingu and welcome back- now doubt you will be blasting away those pounds in no time! No nutella in the house thankfully or else I cannot comment on what would happen to it lol!!! Just had a hot chocolate shake and in my jammies already having kitty cuddles on the sofa which already has made me feel better. Roll on tomorrow and better times xxx

Yay for kitty :)
Happy Saturday peeps...

Gaga's had yet another miserable week due to stresses at work. It's horrid how just one person can create so much pain and misery. I used to love my job and now I'm a shaking wreck byt he time I get there!!! Hate that feeling. Hopefully it will pass soon.

Have been so good all week with water and dustpacks so thought I would treat myself to a sneaky weigh in this morning......bad idea!!! Scales have still not budged from 17.11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!! How is that possible to remain static for like 2 weeks? I'm doing 3-4 litres of water per day, lots of walking and no nibbling! Balls indeed. I know I just have to be patient and keep at it and hopefully I will start to see results soon. It just feels so unfair.

Got friends coming round tonight so I'm making them beef welington with dauphinoise potatoes and lovely veg so have bought myself a steak and a pack of salad leaves to have whilst they have that. Bought a pudding for them too but I knwo that won't tempt me. Just seems so unfair that despite having so little calories per day the scales haven't moved.

So here's to a day of cleaning and cooking- oh the joy!! I could feel a mood coming on at this rate lol!

Roll on Monday and my first facial since August!!!!!!!
ladygaga said:
Happy Saturday peeps...

Gaga's had yet another miserable week due to stresses at work. It's horrid how just one person can create so much pain and misery. I used to love my job and now I'm a shaking wreck byt he time I get there!!! Hate that feeling. Hopefully it will pass soon.

Have been so good all week with water and dustpacks so thought I would treat myself to a sneaky weigh in this morning......bad idea!!! Scales have still not budged from 17.11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!! How is that possible to remain static for like 2 weeks? I'm doing 3-4 litres of water per day, lots of walking and no nibbling! Balls indeed. I know I just have to be patient and keep at it and hopefully I will start to see results soon. It just feels so unfair.

Got friends coming round tonight so I'm making them beef welington with dauphinoise potatoes and lovely veg so have bought myself a steak and a pack of salad leaves to have whilst they have that. Bought a pudding for them too but I knwo that won't tempt me. Just seems so unfair that despite having so little calories per day the scales haven't moved.

So here's to a day of cleaning and cooking- oh the joy!! I could feel a mood coming on at this rate lol!

Roll on Monday and my first facial since August!!!!!!!

Oh my that is awful I don't know what to say except that is sooooo unfair!!!! They must move soon, maybe you'll get a 6lbs overnight soon like LMP :) x be strong babe it will work x
Gaga i'm so sorry to hear your having such a tough time! Keep with it chick and that woosh fairy will be with you in no time!!! xx

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Oh my that is awful I don't know what to say except that is sooooo unfair!!!! They must move soon, maybe you'll get a 6lbs overnight soon like LMP :) x be strong babe it will work x

Very true.....I can only wish hey dusty xx

Gaga i'm so sorry to hear your having such a tough time! Keep with it chick and that woosh fairy will be with you in no time!!! xx

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Thanks Triage.....I'm hoping too but gotta be realistic and prepared for it not to be good too!

So have scale hopped again today and the scales still haven't budged. Damn them. Had our friends round for dnner yesterday so spent the whole day cleaning and then the whole evening cooking them up treats. I served up their dinner and then really didn't fancy mine at all at that point but felt like I had to eat just to be sociable so made my steak and salad which was ok. Realised when I got into bed that I'd only had one bar and ashake all day with water and coke zero so not a good day.

Back to a ts day today and just hopin the scales move soon or else Gaga may go a bit crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ladygaga said:
Very true.....I can only wish hey dusty xx

Thanks Triage.....I'm hoping too but gotta be realistic and prepared for it not to be good too!

So have scale hopped again today and the scales still haven't budged. Damn them. Had our friends round for dnner yesterday so spent the whole day cleaning and then the whole evening cooking them up treats. I served up their dinner and then really didn't fancy mine at all at that point but felt like I had to eat just to be sociable so made my steak and salad which was ok. Realised when I got into bed that I'd only had one bar and ashake all day with water and coke zero so not a good day.

Back to a ts day today and just hopin the scales move soon or else Gaga may go a bit crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop standing on those scales darling x