Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Shrimpy and I could soon be having a fight over those (see you 'hifi bars' thread !!!!)
Gail x
P.S. thanks !!!
Clothes - one of the things I learnt from the first time I lost weight (4 stone about 10 yrs ago now) was that in order to look good, you have to start wearing stuff that actually fits you. I have a tendency to wear big, baggy stuff. But it doesn't do your figure (regardless of what that is) any good. However I know that some of the shirts I am wearing now (that feel 'right') first fit me 1 and a half stones ago so I still feel that way and probably always will. Even though I'm still significantly overweight, I know that I look better in more fitted clothes so I will keep trying to buy and wear some fitted stuff. Doesn't mean that I will ever completely throw away my big baggy jumpers though !!!
soon ur be getting sore knees bowing down to me cause i've lost so much weight ha ha
I turned down an invite to an old friends 40th do as I was too overweight and knew she would be slim and lovely as ever so I lied and said we were away at the time [/QUOTE said:hi gail and queenie1
oh god can really relate to this i would be a rich women if i had a pound for every function / school reunions i have missed because i was too fat and felt too subconscious, i went to my daughters wedding in malta last year so i couldn't wear my normal blackit was a lovely wedding but i just sat at the table wiggling away to the music dying to get up to dance but couldn't because of my size, i really don't want to have another year of feeling like this
i lost weight a few years ago and was 10st 7lbs (bit too light for me) but i felt great i went to a birthday party and got up on the floor to dance i was the only one on there but i didn't care i had soooo much confidence i want that feeling back and only i can do it and with the help from my "friends" on here feel this time I WILL BE SUCCESSFULL :banana dancer: sorry gail i've taken ur thread over lol xx