I took a photo today of me in shorts (which I haven't worn for about 10 yrs although I don't think you can see I'm wearing shorts in the photo !) and one of my new tops. I will try and post tomorrow when I have a chance. It's too late tonight.
Today we went to Kennedy Space Centre which was great. I haven't been before so it was good to do something new and different. Was good for breakfast (fruit and yoghurt - turned down cereal and waffles !) and lunch was ok apart from a small brownie (which I thought was ok based on the fact that I'm on holiday !). Then evening meal (out) not quite so good. I chose wisely - chicken with carrots, greens and rice however it came with dumplings (which I ate a few but left some - the leaving bit being very impressive for me) but then I also ate 2 cornmeal muffins and 1.5 scones which was just unnecessary and greedy. Didn't manage to get in the pool today either

but we will definitely be in tomorrow afternoon and then probably most of the day on Sunday.
Oh, I love being on holiday. The nightmare of the last 2-3 weeks of work is firmly behind me (for now !)
Gail x
P.S. Shrimpy - I can't believe that I'm making you feel guilty. At home recently I've been the laziest person in the entire world !!!!!