Thanks Mini mum, Dawn and Spanx,
Minimum - I have been feeling a bit down recently because I gained a lot (11 lbs over 3.5 weeks) and was out of control with my eating since getting back from hols. I know it was only a few days and I wasn't seriously worried that I wouldn't get back on plan again (unlike the 'early days' when I worried that any little thing would 'knock me off my perch') but I was genuinely out of control. I ate somewhere between (probably because obviously not counted :ashamed0005

50-80 syns per day most days last week

and that is very unlike me.
For me this is all about control - I feel totally fantastic but I also know that deep down I am and always will be a pig. I have huge 'fat potential' ! So, I have to be on the plan otherwise I will simply put back on all the weight I lost and a bit more. I DO NOT want to go back to that so I have no option but to carry on. I was finding it hard to get back on track which then raises the anxiety that gradually I will slip back to where I came from. Hence the mini-despondency ! But, I think I am now back on track. Clearly I need a few good days under my belt but I have had 2 so far and am feeling good about being back on track. So fingers crossed.
Sorry for the long post. You probably just wanted me to say - 'yes, you're right' and leave it at that

. Apologies but brevity has NEVER been one of my strengths........................!!!
Gail x