Well, I am officially struggling

. I was so looking forward to getting home and getting back on plan but I have only had 1 good day since getting back on Wednesday (and a couple of REALLY bad days). I don't know why but I guess it's not that surprising seeing as I had essentially 3.5 weeks off plan (the week before going away wasn't great). I don't think I have done too much damage as I am still 1.5 lbs less than the weight I was when I got home (but actually about 10 lbs more than my lowest on the scales) but as I usually have a good loss at these times, it is a bit disappointing. However the most important thing to me is to be in control rather than my losses and I'm not really in control at the moment.
So, I have a plan.
1. I am going to aim for just one day at a time. Tomorrow is a new day and all I want is to be on plan tomorrow for now. I think I will aim for 15-20 syns to give myself a little bit of leeway but still stay on plan.
2. If I don't manage to control myself tomorrow (or consistently for the next few days) I am going to give most of my 'syns' away to my neighbour to keep for a little while in order to avoid temptation and to make sure that I have to really make an effort to break the plan (which hopefully my conscious self will stop me doing) rather than just going downstairs. I may have to plan my syns on a daily basis (and only have in the house those syns) which I hate doing and haven't needed to up til now but hopefully if it comes to this, it will only be temporary.
3. I will go back and read some of my posts from when things were good and on plan to try and remember how that felt.
4. I am going to try and make all my meals either syn free or very low syn (1 or 2 at most) so that I have all my syns free for 'extras'.
5. I will try and go to group tomorrow (I don't go very often because of work - mostly do this online) in order to reset my current level and be answerable to someone else. I don't usually need this because I am answerable to myself and I want to do this for me but maybe I need that extra incentive for now.
I am not too down about this because my clothes aren't very different but I don't want to put on any more weight (and I have new clothes that I would like to get into) and at very least I want to lose what I've put on. However I feel so fantastic about myself (most of the time) that I can't afford to lose any more ground. And as I've said in the past, coming off plan is not an option because I would definitely start to put weight on. I will always be greedy so this has to be my way of life for the future.
So, that is my plan. I will keep you all posted. Sorry for the long post and thanks for checking up on me.
Gail x