Helloooooooooooooo! It's me. Made it. Phew. Far too many posts since I last graced you with my - hmmmm, what do I call it?
Am I supposed to be alliterating with Sarah? Or Jim?
I'll go for "sagacity", or "just amazingly fantasticness(!)" - but I expect at least SOME of you will have something to say about that!
Waheey it's Gateshead takeover - why aye man,
Them Cinnbons sound dangerous - so glad I ain't got a sweet tooth!
Have any of you heard of Beignets? They were all going mad for them in Florida - freshly cooked/baked and dusted in sugar - proper food porn for the sweet toothed.
French Quarter Beignets Recipe : Paula Deen : Food Network
mini dusted donuts?

I won't even look out for them then! Pass me the salted almonds and the red wine instead please!
Oh dear. I love cinnabuns. And the proper French beignets (not the rubbish attempts at them that you get from those "donut" vans here). BUT I like them when they dust them with cinnamon sugar. So maybe that's half way between the two!
And I'm also with the savoury-toothed ones, and the red wine guzzlers...
So basically, if it's food, I love it!
(And why aye man, woman, hinny, pet.)
Yes, you post away Gail. As far as I'm concerned you don't post enough on here. Some of us like what you have to say
Anyway, It's your thread, so ramble away! - you know I love rambling and am an active member of the ramblers
Disappearing Dawn has plenty to say for herself

but some of us come on here to listen to the organ grinder
Just to clarify - who's the Chief Monkey?
Dawn and Steve with joint honours, I reckon!
Call that a rambling post?
Not a patch on the 1hr 53min verbal post earlier...
Seriously, a lovely honest post with lots of interesting points, and really well put Gail x.
I'm quoting Dawn's response here, rather than the original, as
a) this is a flipping long post already, and
b) I agree with every word of it.
You have done, and continue to do, brilliantly, Gail. Well done you.
Damn. Did that count as n***?
So, this week I lost 4 lbs

. That takes me to 11 st 13 lbs (actually 12 st 11.6 lbs !) for the first time this journey (my lowest ever was 11 st 11 lbs but I was under 12 stone only for a couple of weeks), gives me my 5.5 stone shiny back and 7.5 lbs in 2 weeks. Just shows you what I can do when I put my mind to it
Yay. No more targets for me though. As long as I lose every week (ideally 1 lb but I'll take anything) that is good enough for me. Looking forward to this week
Gail x
Apart from your dyscalculia - hoping that's the word - (assuming that you meant 11 st 12.6, rather than 12 st 11.6?) that's absolutely amazing, this far into your losses.
I can't keep telling you how brilliant that is, as that would be far, far, far too n***, particularly on top of my earlier comments. So I won't. I'd ruin my reputation.
But you're right. Once we've lost this much, and are so close to where we want to be, just losing, every week, is all the target we should need. In the grand scheme of things, how much does it really matter how long it takes? We've got the rest of our lives to enjoy being at our target weight.
How good does that sound???
Right. Resuming "normal" (by which I mean not normal in the slightest, but "usual" for me) service.
Show's over.
Back to work, folks.
I'm off.