I am having a fantastic week. At present, I am on track for a bumper loss (in the region of my first week's losses) which is sooooo exciting. I have nothing particular planned for today other than a trip to the Trafford Centre, none of which should interfere with my losses.
I cannot believe that this is 6 months. I cannot believe that I have stuck to it for this long. I cannot believe that I plan to stick to this for a long time. Wow. I have even impressed myself !!!
I knew (or at least thought) that I would lose weight on whichever plan I stuck to (although I have never tried a plan with so many carbs - previously I was eating low carb on the whole) but I just didn't know I'd stick to it. Now, I look back and it just snuck up on me ! I stuck to it for a couple of weeks, thought 'this isn't bad' - had some good losses and just kept at it. I have only had a difficult few days (and those were really hard) - I just couldn't understand why I didn't feel positive and good about it and everything was a struggle. However most of this has been fine.
Every time I am offered (or there is something on offer) like biscuits, sweets, bread, fried food etc if I refuse, there is a battle in my brain over it but if I really want it, I do. The difference is in the past, I ALWAYS really wanted it. Now I seem to have found a balance and sometimes do but mostly don't.
The reason that SW works for me is entirely down to the psychology of it - the reason I stick to it is because it allows me to be 'normal' but with some flexibility. When I have biscuits etc and people ask 'can you have that' the answer is always 'yes, I can. But only if I want it'. Sometimes I don't because that means that I can't have something else that I had planned later. But sometimes I do. I don't get to a meal and think I can't have enough to eat because I haven't got enough calories/points etc left. If I'm really hungry I can. So, I can't believe this is 6 months but just love how I feel about it. I know some people say that this is just another diet but for me, this has changed my life. Obviously what I do from now on is down to me, but fingers crossed and hoping for another good 6 months !
Gail x
P.S. Sorry for the long rambling post but like Honey, it's a bit emotional for me looking back on the last 6 months