Gail's diary and thoughts on her SW journey

Thanks all and nice to see you back Jane. I am feeling better today :). Had 'man flu' yesterday and felt rubbish but today I just have a cold but no temperature. This week has been a bit erratic as far as food goes. A bit too much cake on Tuesday and Wednesday then not much of anything yesterday (every cloud and all that.......;)) however throughout the week pretty much all meals on plan.

Scales showing a big loss but this mornings was probably a bit of dehydration too so we'll wait and see on Sunday. In good spirits and feeling in control though (as long as there is no cake around !!).

Gail x

P.S. Thanks for watching out for me - you are a lovely bunch :D (Steve included :p)

P.P.S. Send Gwyn a big squishy Gail hug from me too (you can give it to him :))

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Right...he's just warming the bed up and I'm gonna go up now, armed with a squishy :bighug: from you sis!!!

I may be gone some time...;)
I hope you're feeling better this morning Gail, have a good day :) x
Feeling much better today. Looking forward to WI tomorrow (although still a bit anxious that I've lost a bit too much this week and suddenly after WI it will all jump back and put me under pressure for next week !!!). However I have had a thought (just the one mind you - it's a weekend !!).................... I'm pretty certain I'm going to start losing again regularly. Why ??

Because over the last 3 months (but quite a bit of it over the last 2 weeks) I have spent nearly £1500 on clothes (and shoes) that actually fit me. When that happens, I usually start losing weight ! The last time it happened was last spring/summer when I started buying clothes that actually fit me (size 24's) and then within a few months, none of them fit me - Grrrrr. Now obviously that isn't going to happen to the same extent (phew) but I think it's an omen. I've finally accepted in my head that I'm not losing much (or losing very slowly) and so I buy clothes and then I start losing again. So, I'm not sure which way I want people to wish me luck !!! Either I maintain and have clothes that fit me or I start losing again :eek: (as long as I don't start gaining, it's ok)

Gail x
P.S. My clothes are feeling as loose as they've ever been - can you tell I'm feeling good........????? :D :D
Good! That's the thing then - the 'buy more clothes diet' !! :D x
Way to go there Gailster.

You can inspire us mere mortals. My healthy eating plan is sunbathing. While in the sun, I'm not in all-you-can-eat buffets (can never resist a challenge).

Have a cool weekend:cool:

Stateside Steve
So this week I lost 6 lbs. It could have been more until this morning (I was in the 11's for the previous 2 days) but I'm really glad it wasn't (I didn't do anything bad yesterday, my weight just went up but I'm relieved). So I'm now 12 stone 0.5 lb. A good place to be. I have my 5.5 stone shiny back (again although I have left the 5 stone one on as well for now like last time in case I 'blow it' again and lose the 5.5 shiny for the 'x'th time !) and I am happy. I can fit into everything (from previous times) that I have ever been able to, although I have a few new clothes that I still can't quite get into (only probably 3 or 4 lb at most to go though) and I have decided now that as my losses are slow that I won't buy anything that I can't get into because although I still hope to continue losing, it's not a given.

I'm torn between setting either a goal weight or an interim goal weight.

1. I'm frightened of not getting there and having to reset the target upwards (which worries me that I'd feel like a 'failure' even though I know I'm not) which may then lead to further resetting of target upwards ?
2. However if I don't set a target and just get to the point of feeling that I've done enough and can't lose any more (or don't ever get to that point and continue to aim to lose but actually maintain), will I have taken away that feeling of achievement of getting to target ?

And by now I'm well aware by now that I will never feel 'happy' with my naked body (I'm ok about it in clothes) - at least at the moment I know I've got more to lose but I think it may be a little bit difficult accepting that's how it is when/if I get to target ? Or maybe not ? Maybe I know that's how it is, maybe I've accepted that's just how it is and that obviously I won't ever be happy about it but that's ok ????

I know I'm rambling now (and don't worry, I'm fine - I just get a bit reflective at times !!!!). Off out shortly but will be back tonight (maybe !).

Gail x
Well done Gail - I knew you would get back on track quickly!

Doesn't it feel fantastic to be able to get into things that 'normal' people buy!!! :D

I originally set my target at 10st 12lbs. I felt that was a) achievable (although I don't think at the time I really thought I'd achieve it!) b) realistic - it's still just above the 'healthy BMI' number, but hey, I've got boobs! When I get there I may take a break for a while, or I may re-set it lower - but I'm really relaxed about it now. I do think it helps to have a number to aim for, but it certainly wouldn't help if that number was too hard to achieve... Even so, after all the successes we've had to date, would it really be so bad not to reach a number that we've plucked out of the air? I don't think so!

Have a great day! x
Well done Gail, that's brilliant!

Changing your target - well I think we often tend to be a bit ambitious/optimistic/thoughtless when deciding this and then it becomes something we feel we must attain. This is a pity. I 'missed' my goal weight by 3lbs and I really feel that this had some effect on me putting on weight again, the feeling that I'd failed.

It's a shame that you feel you'll never like your body naked, perhaps you need to meet Gok? :eek: :eek: :eek: x :)
Woo 6lb off!! Fantastic :D You're so nearly in the 11's now - it will be yours next week!

With the clothes thing... how about lose more weight and then the clothes are too big but you can then sell them on Ebay to get money for smaller clothes!

The target thing is a toughie. I didn't set a proper target for so long because I knew whatever it would be, it would be so far off that I couldn't see the point. Now I'm closer I like having a target to aim for - it keeps me focused when I have bad weeks and (hopefully) stops me from getting complacent when I get the 'don't lose anymore' comments.

I think it's a very individual thing though and only you will know what target is right for you. Is there something that's important to you (like a healthy BMI or a certain dress size) that you would like to get down to? That could be a starting point. Other than that I don't see any problem with just carrying on until you feel happy and just stop there.

Whatever you decide it's great to hear you sounding so positive! I know you can do this Gail just keep going!

:wow::wow::wow::bliss: well done on ur fanastic loss gail :bliss:regarding the target as clareel said it is a very individual thing, i set my target to an amount that i thought i could stick to didn't think there was any point trying to get back to 10 stone then struggle staying there and i find my face goes too thin if i go under 11.7 st makes me look anorexic :eek: i needed something to aim for but we r all different. hope you have a good week
love val xx
:party0019:Ooh sis!!! Well DONE!!! :party0019:

That's such a fabulous loss hunni! Talk about pulling it back! :party0049:

I'm so amazed and proud of you Gail! :0clapper::0clapper::0clapper:

You're so close to the 11's now!!! Now you really do need to think about some sort of target, even if it is just an interim one x

If you fancy a natter (you of our 2 hr quickies :rolleyes:) I'll be in all night xx

Lots and lots of love to you hunni xxx
Woo Hoo - well done chica. 6 lb is amazing.

Target? I know how you feel. I originally set mine to have a BMI of 24.9 but realised fairly rapidly that If I got down to that weight I might look dreadful so have revised upwards.

But I'm not upset that I've done it - as I did it when I was still way off and I will stop and pause and think in a few more pounds. 56 and scraggy is NOT appealing imho.

So I would agree with Dawn, set a sensible interim target and just go for it.
You are soooo close to the 11's now - and actually saw the scales there this week. So you know it is achievable chica.

Have a good week and let us know your thoughts.
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Thanks so much for all your lovely considered and thoughtful comments about target weight. I think as much as I don't want to admit it (for fear of failure) I have really decided on my target weight. I would like to get to 10 and a half stone (naked morning weight ! Would obviously be more when I'm clothed and in the evening) which would give me a BMI of 25. I don't really care about BMI's as I know you can be healthy with a higher BMI, it's just that I've never ever in my life been 'normal' and that would be really great to feel like that. I know that I'd be ok about it if I stopped anywhere in between but that's really where I would like to get to. I don't care at all how long it takes - I have seen from some of the fantastic slower losers here that it really doesn't matter (eg Bev, Ellebear, Heather (funcurls)) that you can still continue losing even if it's slow at times so I think that is my goal. I'm not going to set a date, probably ideally before next christmas (ie 2012) but that's it ! Even though that's what I think, I'm still not sure that I'm brave enough to put it onto my stats so I'll have another think about that.

Anyway, today's NSV's.

1. I saw at least 4 people that I haven't seen for a long time. Every single one of them made a comment straight away and one said that she didn't think she'd have recognised me apart from the hair ! I wasn't expecting it today as I have seen most people at todays event during the last year but obviously not all !

2. I got my new T-shirts for the charity today and the Medium fit perfectly (obviously generous sizes) but not only that, they don't need shortening. That is the first time I've had T-shirts like that that haven't needed shortening. I am ECSTATIC about that (it might not seem much to others but to me that is a really big deal :))

I have a family 'do' soon where there will be lots of people around that haven't seen me for ages. I am a bit anxious because I'm planning to wear a dress (and whereas before there was little chance that someone else would be wearing the same large sized frumpy dress now there is always that possibility and if so they are bound to look much better and be much younger) and because I'm showing my legs :eek:

Anyway, a good day all round (apart from eating a bit too much cake.......:eek:) Must get my backside in gear and start doing some exercise (how many times have I said that ???!)

Gail x
Well, well, well!

Excellent figure Gail (6lb wasn't bad either ;))

I've really left myself a mountain to climb if I am to get to target for the end of November! but if I may offer you some advice Gail, target-setting is individual, but I will say one thing.

BMI might only be a guide and a set of figures, but psychologically they ar an important barrier.

I decided on 25 because of that simple word you mentioned....NORMAL. Something I'd never been as an adult, and I wanted it, in fact NEEDED it so badly it bloody hurt, and became the be all and end all to me. When you reach "NORMAL" you can decide what you want to do/be and act accordingly.

One thing not to do is listen to others, be it well-meaning friends, colleagues - even people on here! The reason I mention this is because some will never know how much you've tried, the pain you've felt, the frustration, possibly the tears over the years, and to get the chance of reaching that finish line, the holy grail, the gold medal, and any other relevant cliché to have a bunch of stats declaring you "normal" is truly priceless.

I say go for 25 BMI in your own time and then decide.

The feelgood factor from that is immeasurable!

Sorry if it sounded like a lecture, I just wanted to put another view;) - as for looking good naked? trust me, you won't care!

With the target setting - I can't help but feel I cheated a bit when setting my target. I set it low enough to make a difference, but high enough that I knew I could definitely achieve it. My real target has always been the one that is still 6lb away and has been for months. If I ever get to it (and I don't feel like I will right now) I will be delighted, but also a bit peed off that I didn't stick to my guns and make it my original target.

So, altho, technically, I'm a target member, I don't feel like it. From that perspective I kinda wish SW set the targets for you...

A little loss like yours this week and I'd get there tho ;) Never gonna happen with all the crisps I've eaten this weekend...Oops!!! xxxx
Hey Gail! So you are tantalizingly close to goal? Well done, you kicked the holiday weight into touch then - fabulous. Sounds like you are having some very positive reflections on your situation now and where you want to be going forwards - so eloquently put and inspirational as ever! I need to channel that into myself! :) xx