gl12282 said:Oooooh. How exciting
Please let me know how you get on. Thanks for your confidence in me. In this instance, I feel the same way !!!
Gail xxx
Quick message because I have to go and do 'stuff'.
I went for a hypnotherapy session tonight - I thought I might as well try it and see whether it could help. I have nothing to lose. I think the man found me quite a challenge and I'm not sure that he knew what to do with me really (his words !). My goals (as described to him) were less around weight loss and more around managing my issues with food and control. He suggested that I do some more exercise (which although is a fair comment is a bit like saying to someone who needs to lose weight - 'you need to eat less of the wrong things' - it's not rocket science !!!!) however we also discussed some other stuff which might be helpful so I'll see how I get on. I feel a bit more focused on continuing to lose now as well (rather than just staying where I am and maintaining which I wasn't intending to do but was doing a bit anyway) and getting to my newly set goal. So, watch this space.
Anyway, I'm off to check Dawns thread and then may not be around much later but I am here (and on all your threads) in mind if not in body !!!!
Thanks for all your comments earlier. They are much appreciated.
Gail xx
Oh Dawn, the last bit is soooo true for so many of us who were/are overweight. Being serious for a mo, I think it is also partly to do with society as well. How many times I wonder do overweight people not get a job just because they don't fit the norm?And you know I think part of this looking better in the new undies is actually due to feeling better...more confident, sexy even, so instead of hunching up and trying to be invisible I'm learning to hold my head up and say I'm as good as the next person. It's a real shame that being big makes us feel so unattractive and unworthy...weight can damage our minds so much.
The only fly in the ointment is that I still have long standing insecurity issues with Gwyn, which I know are all in my head, but they're still there all the same. He's very reassuring and patient, would never hurt me and really loves me I know...but I think I'll always feel I'm just not quite good enough for him.
JimofTroy said:He's besotted with you, woman.
He can't believe his luck that someone like you would want to be with him.
Trust me. It's true.
(Damn. Is that me being N again? I'm going to have to do something about this!)