Thanks Emsie14 for reading. Welcome to my thread

. And thanks to the rest of the regular rowdy lot for still being here
(Reposted from Sunday Weighers Thread)
'Well I had a lovely weekend dining away however as a result I gained 2 lbs. a bit disappointed as I had been so good all week and scales were suggesting that I might have a loss or at least a STS despite Saturday night however it was not to be ! Fingers crossed for this week.'
So far this week I have been very good although today I would really really really have liked to get stuck into the biscuit tin. However I didn't and I won't so I'm pleased with myself. Tormenting myself watching 'Great British Bake off' special because I love cake and flapjack but hey ho. My own fault. Scales not moving yet but that is not entirely surprising. I only weighed in on Monday and there is often a delay. It just would have been nice to see them moving quickly because I had such a big gain over the 4 days at the weekend (gain was 5lb from Saturday to Monday). But I am ignoring them because otherwise I can't justify weighing mid week (I've seen too many people panic about mid week weigh ins) ! My clothes are definitely feeling tighter though which is a real disappointment

but is definitely a motivator for me at the moment.
I have been watching everyone's 3 good things and I think it's a great idea. Thanks Jackie. So here goes:
1. I really wanted to get stuck into the biscuit tin at several points during today but I haven't - that makes me proud
2. I have stuck to lower syns (for me) today (7.5) to try and save some syns for Friday. That's one of the things that I often find difficult but I have done it today
3. I am drinking lots at the moment which I sometimes find difficult even though I know it helps me, but I am doing well so far.
4. I am trying to use the techniques that I learnt recently to avoid temptation and stop my obsessing and they seem to be helping a bit
So, good things there. And I agree that it helps to focus you on the good things. So I'll try and do a bit more of that.
I am working pretty hard at the moment - that's about all I can say about work !!!!
Anyway, see you during the week. Hoping to cook some new things later this week as I'm in some evenings (very unusual for me !) - planning to try spinach and chickpea curry and vegetable jambalaya. Fingers crossed.
Gail x