I am another evening indulger .. I save all my syns and scoff them all in the evening , this is the time when I used to eat and eat , mostly cereal , I ould get through 1/2 a box of the chocolatey kind !!
I dont see a problem at the moment , its all about making the right choices and if you need a treat in the evening then as long as its the right treat then I think its ok , I try to wait till 9 pm , and try and eat very slowly , I use 10 syns a day and I find I am spoilt for choice of yummy things to have !!!!
You are doing so well , its obviously working how you do it now so why change
I dont see a problem at the moment , its all about making the right choices and if you need a treat in the evening then as long as its the right treat then I think its ok , I try to wait till 9 pm , and try and eat very slowly , I use 10 syns a day and I find I am spoilt for choice of yummy things to have !!!!
You are doing so well , its obviously working how you do it now so why change