Maybe you've just not poopied? Though Minimus is fully right, if you gain, it will come off, sometimes our bodies just like to screw with our head!
That may be a contributing factor

(but it doesn't usually make that much difference to me !)
Well you really should WI the same clothes everytime. Unless you WI at group as nature intended you're jeopardising your chances
Mollusc, Minimus is ALWAYS right
See what the week brings Gail, and we'll think about setting some challenges?
I always wear the same 'clothes' at home......

My WI at group is quite different so I don't bother with those numbers - I go to group for groups sake and if I can't go to stay then I don't go. I don't need the motivation of standing on the scales in front of someone - it's my Sunday weight that motivates me.
I'll think about a challenge. Probably not a weight loss one though - not good to do regularly for me. Maybe either something to do with food or with exercise. I keep meaning to go out and run (or even walk

) but I haven't. I'd like to start my bronze body magic so maybe a challenge like that.
Gail - not nice to see the scales going up but you've been there before and know how to get them going down again.
You said not enough to drink. How about fruit & veg intake too? Lots of salad going on but I find if I just have salad all the time my weight sticks. I need to get lots of veg down me (like leeks, brocolli, cabbage etc) to keep my weight going down. I also have at least 3 portions of fruit a day too - including melon!
But you know your own body and what it takes to lose weight so if this is a typical day then it shouldn't be the cause.
Keep at it chica - it will come off again, you know it will.
Thanks Bev. I have been eating lots of salad but not much veg and maybe not as much fruit as usual. Definitely at least 1/3 superfree with each meal though even when I'm on green. Might try your veg theory then. And I'm sure that drinking more will help me.
So, (in mollusc style), things that I am proud of:
Sticking to plan yesterday despite seeing that the scales were likely to gain again for no reason
Drinking a bit more today
Sticking to plan today (so far) despite having a bleeping awful week on the scales - and still have WI to go tomorrow !
Obviously lots of things that I 'could do better' but I don't think that's the style of this !
See you later (or tomorrow).
Gail x