Oh Goldie that's such a shame, why not try again with your cds ~ I'm hoping they were done for you specifically, mine contain things I told him like I want to wear a monsoon floaty dress, or I want to be a butterfly! He talks about my becoming a butterfly etc.
So when you know you're totally alone and can relax close the curtains, lie on your bed get yourself comfortable and press play!
It doesn't matter if your mind wonders ~ mine does it all the time I'm making shopping lists, can never completely clear my mind, I'm thinking toilet cleaner and then I'll hear "you're on a floaty cloud!" Oh yeah right floaty cloud, floaty cloud oh god what will I do for dinner lol!
It's not dealing with your concious mind but your SUB-concious mind.
The part of your mind that gets you on your drive and you have no idea how you got there! The part that enables you to change gear and talk at the same time without thinking , handbrake, clutch gas etc!
So make sure you can totally be peaceful, let your mind feel free to take in the words, even if you're thinking something else.
If you can make time 1 a day (even if it's in bed before you go to sleep. Maybe 2 a day in the begining!
I was so distrustful in the begining I'd listen to ALL the sessions on the cd at once (80 mins lol).
Then I found 1 that seemed to be more me than the others and chose that one, and just listened to that every day for about a month maybe 6 weeks.
It's a bit daft I admit sorting stuff out to be peaceful setting up the cd player etc, then lying down thinking god I feel so stupid.
There is also a part of us that's cynical (do I really want to admit to being able to be hypnotised? It's a waste of money etc etc.) Been there got the tshirt lol.
You've got the cds so try it every day for a month (If you can!), don't set out to prove it wrong by over eating or deliberately having 17 choc biscuits lol.
See if by doing it gently every day you can get it back, hey if nothing else you've had a peaceful 20 mins to yourself everyday!
You never know your subconcious might just take over and say you know what I can't finish this it's too much!
Good luck with it if you do decide to give it another go!