Amazing Gem, I was dying to hear how you did, I lost 2lb's last night! You are rocking it baby!
One of the girls at the class had her pic last night too they were fab to see because I know I will soon be at that stage too where I wont recognise myself.
We did the exercise last night around writing yourself a letter its one of the modules. Basically we had to write a letter from our body to ourselves. In mine I talked about the abuse I had done to my body over the years, lack of respect and also neglect for exercising.
Then we did the reply from me to my body, basically apologising and promising to look after it cherish it and care for it after all its the only one I get in this lifetime.
It was a great exercise to do really hard but very rewarding, I could actually see that I am doing some of the things in my return letter already. Try it, I think you will get alot out of it chick.
As for the old you on nthe fridge, my advise is remove it and do it quickly, you dont want to be visualising what you were its more about what you want to be, even if that means cutting a body shape out of a magazine and then putting your head on it you can do that if you dont have any pics from when you were slim before.
Hope this helps and have a great day my lovely xx