THURSDAY 06/06/2013 - ?? DAY - ALL FREE
B: 40g All Bran (HEB), 400ml Smart Price Unsweetened Soya Milk (HEA)
L: Small beetroot and boiled egg salad, x5 scan bran (HEB), x2 sliced bananas, Shape Zero Yoghurt, pear, plum
D: Mushroom omelette with 30g cheddar (HEA) melted on top mmmmm! orange, shape zero yoghurt
Hot Choc (2 syns), HiFi Light Bar (3 syns)
Managed another 5 mile walk last night I feel great today, even got up an hour early and did my exercise routine

think the sunshine has got me in holiday mode so I'm focused
Plan for today:
Friday 07/06/2013 - RED DAY:
B: 40g All Bran (HEB), 400ml Smart Price Unsweetened Soya Milk (HEA), sliced banana
L: x5 scan bran (HEB), x2 sliced bananas, shape zero yoghurt, nectarine, peach
D: X2 pieces of salmon, BNS Wedges and salad, 30g Cheddar (HEA)
Hot Choc (2 syns), Alpen Light (3 syns)
Going out for a hike to the Lake District on Saturday going out for the day so planning on a really good walk, will report back on how many miles, I love my app to track my workouts

got a long weekend too as I'm off on Monday....
Have a great weekend everyone!