General: Week starting Mon 31st July

Morning WeMITTs

Well I have just had a weigh in with my lovely CDC Isobel (thanks for the chat isobel...feeling so much better and on track for xmas!) lost just under another half a have made it to the 17's at long last!

I have the same problem as Sharon had as my home scales which I have used from the start weigh 4lbs less than Isobels scales. They always show the same loss, but just different weights. Since I have my proper start weight from my own scales I shall keep referring to them. So I am now 17s 10 and over the moon!!!!! My next big milestone is 16s 7 as that is half way and 5 stone down....going to treat myself to a MP3 player to pass the time whilst I am commuting to London. So only little over a stone to go and I know that I can do it by the end of August. you can probably tell I am on cloud 9!

Well done to everyone else, this is what has kept me going. I was just saying to Isobel that the two weeks I struggled were the two weeks I didnt post on that says a lot to me about how important the WeMITT support is.

ROCH: I hope you feel better soon. I agree with Irene...we are all still here for you regardless of which diet you do. Your health is of primary importance and if your doctors says do low GI then please do. Keep us updated on how you are.

Blimey - that was quick, mate - did you fly home??? lol

You're doing great, hun!!!! And I want to see a pic of you in that prom dress!
lotsa love
Victoria, well done on a great loss! V pleased that you are back on track xx

Roch, oh hunny I completely understand how naff you must be feeling just now - after you were so motivated to get going and everything it must feel like a huge set back, but not to worry babe, a low GI diet will have you losing weight as well so even though its not ssing you should still see good results over the weeks. As Victoria says your health is the most important thing at the moment so try not to stress out about it too much and don't forget the wemitts aren't just about vlcds all diets are discussed here, I think Anja is following slimming world too so you aren't on your own, we are totally behind you 100% Please let us know how you get on with your tests.
I don't think that being diabetic actually precludes you from following a vlcd (I think maybe atm your doc is just being sensible and getting a diagnosis before sorting out medication etc) but even if you are diabetic (hopefully not) then you could ask your doc if you could start sole sourcing again - Debbie (russian doll) I think was diabetic and no longer even needs meds since ssing and losing so much weight (don't quote me on this as I am going from memory - but she will be along soon and will correct me if I'm wrong) .

Big huge bear hugs to you Roch and a great big kiss too! xx

Hope all wemitts are ok will pop by again later xx
:( Well, had my weekly weigh in today and surprise surprise I'd put on 2lbs! :eek: Not at all surprised though as I can admit I have been a total pig this last few weeks. Mainly as I have been quite worried about some health issues I've been having which are taking alot longer to resolve than was hoped! Had 2 lots of IV antibots last week and now on a 14 day extra strong course! Have an abcess on site of last operation which is the size of a small orange....very, very painful and doesn't seem want to go away! Had hospital this morning scanned me to check if size had gone down but it had grown, so back in a week for another scan and poss operation if it hasn't gone away :( . Fingers, toes & legs crossed that won't happen as it would be my 30th operation!
Loads of other stuff going on but I'm not going to depress you all with that.
Texasgirl....well done me dancing buddy on that amazing loss. :D
Mrs T....good to see you here hope things are going well for you. :)
Roch....That diabetic sheet your GP gave you I assume is the standard one they give to all diabetics. Anyway, my Dad has been a diabetic for 2 years now and is not having treatment just watching his diet via that sheet. He's now lost a total of 8 stone in less than two years without really trying just cutting back on junk...he now has none at Mum is very strict with him!
Irene...always there for us all :)
Hi to all the Wemitt's
Kam xx
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Hi Debbie
this jogging is getting a habit! Well done you. I like the sound of your fluffy headed dog - any photos to see?
I am doing ok cal and exercise wise but the weights not dropping! GRRRRRR
Hi everyone
How annoying!! I just did the same thing as Mrs T did the other day .... wrote out a long post and then it was wiped because it said I wasn't logged in! Grrrrr

Start again ...

Victoria - I'm over the moon for you! Well done for breaking through those barriers - it didn't seem so long ago that we were discussing in Birmingham how you desperately wanted to get into the 18s and now here you are in the next bracket down from that!

Kam - My heart really goes out to you with all that yo're having to endure right now: it's not fair that any one person should have so much cr*p to deal with. But even with all that, you still find it within you to help and encourage others! You're amazing!!

Roch - As Mrs T said, I have diabetes and it was pretty much out of control until I started CD. I've been SSing since March and my blood sugars are so stable that I don't even need medication anymore.
However, I'm a type 2 diabetic brought on by insulin resistance (and obesity) and typically my blood sugars were always high. A non-diabetic reading is between 4 and 7 and it wasn't unusual for me to have readings anywhere between 11 and 21 even WITH medication! My last reading was 4.8 so you can see how things have improved.

Although it's a little lower than a bottom end normal reading of 4, I wouldn't have called a reading of 3.2 'very low' but your GP obviously feels it needs to be investigated (best to err on the side of caution) but I feel she may have spooked you excessively. Try not to worry too much until you get a definite diagnosis.
Of course, if she advises against a VLCD for now then you must adhere to that and attending a slimming class is a good way of keeping a monitoring element there. Do you have a Rosemary Conley class anywhere near you? The reason I ask is that RC adopts a low fat, low GI diet which is far better suited to your diabetic diet sheet than any of the others.

Whilst there's also an exercise class with RC, you don't have to attend. If you stick with SW, then avoid the green days: they are carb loaded and will play havoc with your blood sugars.

Barb - You must be getting a bit peeved with the lack of movement on the scales. Have you tried going low GI and cutting out ALL refined white carbs? I used to eat a diet where my only carbs consisted of a little wholewheat cereal, pulses and vegetables (not spuds) plus lean protein. I had bags of energy and was able to sustain 4 gym workouts per week plus daily cycling. If you're in the slightest bit insulin resistant then it doesn't take many carbs to halt your weight loss completely.
If you're not eating that way already then maybe you could give it a go just for a week to see if it makes a difference.

Hi to everyone I haven't mentioned personally ... keep up the fab work and remember: Mars Bars and Snickers are the road to big knickers!! ;)

Debbie x
KAM: Thanks for the text. Debbie is right - you have all of these problems yet you still took time to text me and say well done. Your amazing! Dont worry about 2lbs its nothing in the grand scheme of things and with everything going on for you it is completely understandable. Dont give up you will do this - but your health comes first. I know you have lots of other stuff going on - dont forget if you need to chat drop me an email or phone call. I have to have my dancing buddy fit for November it just wont be the same!!!!!!

DEBBIE: Thanks. Your last sentence had me laughing. Good job I dont work in an office they would think I was mad LOL
I cant believe I hit the 17's either, hopefully it will be 13's for the WeMITT weekend. Time flies doesnt it. Not long till you go off to Uni. Your proof of the wonderful health benefits of losing weight!

Mrs T: Hope your move goes well. I am moving next weekend as well - its a pain isnt it. I HATE THE ARMY!! LOL Anyway fingers crossed that it goes well for you.

Everyone else...speak to you soon

Thanks so much Debbie for as ever your caring words that I know are genuine. I have been lurking on both sites for a while and am very jealous of your constant losses but oh so very happy for you at the same time. Looking forward to seeing you again in November! Unless I bump into you in Portsmouth before then! down that way soon. Can't wait to walk the dog along the beach and show the kids my old haunts! Also up near Ann (Westhills) next weekend shame shes away.
Well done on the jogging! you'll be sprinting before you know it! I've ben swimming 3 times a week for months but :( consultant has said no more until I'm in the clear! He was happy with me staying on CD but thought I should up the cals for a few weeks. I'll speak to my wonderful CDC and see what she says. Have to say though I'm abit sick of food at the moment. But have regained my addiction to CD jelly! Water is abit hard to get down up to 3 litres a day and hoping to get back to 5 litres in the next week.
Oh BTW.....Mars Bars and Snickers are the road to big knickers!! excellent saying!:cool:
Victoria....just saw you'd posted too...thanks as well dancing buddy!
Hello to all Wemitt's everywhere.
Kam xxx
Hi everyone,
♥♥♥ Kam, I feel so bad for you what with all you are going through lately - I really hope things settle down healthwise for you very soon - that abcess sounds painful, I hope you won't need another op though (fingers firmly crossed for you) :eek: @ 30 operations! Bluddy heck hunny you must be like a pin cushion! Hope you fel much much better soon (((HUGS))). x

♥♥♥ Deb LMAO @ mars bars and snickers comment! You do make me laugh! x

♥♥♥ Barb, don't despair the scales will start to move again, sometimes our bodies try to cling on to the weight with grim determination! But you will get there in the end!

♥♥♥ Sharon, hope you are feeling a bit happier today, you shouldn't worry too much about your weight loss slowing, it happens to most of us occassionally and apparrantly is common as you near your goal weight.
I bet after your next break it will kick start your metabolism again and you will see a great big loss!!!
BTW You look gorgeous in that white dress, what a stunner!

Hope all wemitts are having a good day, I will pop back in later to check on you all -
*leaves thread singing Elvis' ... "a little less conversation" xx

Edited to say
♥♥♥♥♥ Victoria, sorry cross posted with you, I hope your move goes well and that you don't get too stressed out by it all xx
Ahh thanks Mrs Tweedy! :eek:
Yep 29! operations so far! But that is since my first when I was 15! now 38! But still way too many. The worse being the last 3. I've had everything out! tonsills, appendix, cartilage in both knees the pin in one, op to remove an ovary at 18....apparently that was going to make having kids very hard!....mmm 3 gorgeous kids down the line! I feel truly blessed.:) The list goes on........
Just want to say thanks to all my Wemitt mates for being here when I need a moan.
Love to you all
Kamilla xxx
KAM: Poor you! I had an ovary removed when I was 18/19 as well and that was awful enough without adding another 28 operations to it.

Sending you lots of hugs

Howdy Kam
Can I just say that I don't ever think that what you do is moan ... you occasionally 'vent' very understandable frustrations and that is a healthy thing to do.

I'm just deeply honoured that you feel safe and secure enough to share your feelings and experiences here amongst your wemitt friends because please believe me when I say that it's never a burden or a chore to lend an ear to someone you care about.


Debbie x
Found this link....

Not at all diet related, but if you like music then its a great site to watch music videos for free.
Thanks Victoria, that's a brilliant site!

Hope you all are feeling ok? I'm just about to get ready for bed, catch you all laters xx
Morning all!

Well after a somewhat miserable week I finally got a fantastic nights sleep (thanks to my fab painkillers that make me very dopey)! and have woken up feeling abit more positive about things. Knowing there are people out there that are sincere in their feelings towards me is a great healer. You know who you are I won't embarrass you by saying who but thanks for caring. I know I've got one hell of a long way to go but I will get there I want to get there and I know I can't do it I just have to put all that into practice. I will have my up days but I know I will have my down ones as well. So please bear with me as I try to become the person really I want to be.
Had a great and much needed heart to heart with DH last night lots of tears but loads of hugs too! I don't think I ever really realised how much that man loves me! and thats a nice feeling to have.
I have changed my ticker mainly as I started my weight loss journey in Oct 2005 with Weight Watchers and I think I should put up my losses to date after all I have lost over 4 stone! For ages I have just been looking at my CD loss (which hasn't been fab of late) but I needed to look at the bigger picture and be proud of what I have lost so far!...hope that makes sense. And looking at my ticker I notice I'm almost half way there!
Off to do my homework as given by the lovely Diva.
Thanks for reading
Kamilla xx
Hey Kam!!! So pleased you're feeling positive today!!!!! And yes! It's great to look at the bigger picture! I have to keep reminding myself that my weightloss journey didn't really start when I was 15 stone - it was really from when I was 19 1/2 stone! So it makes me feel better about the whole picture!
Hope you have a great day, hun!
And I'm still thinking about how to post that picture!
lotsa love
Wow Kami, that was great to see the wemitt pics - faces to put with the names, lovely. Looked like a fun weekend too. Talking of fun, I had a little too much last night. Had a grim day so ken (husband) said lets go out, like a fool I said 'go on then', 2 cocktails, a chinese and a bottle of wine, each(!), later I felt much better. This morning? Not so good! Oh well, you have to let your hair down sometimes. Do feel awful though. No sympathy though, I don't deserve it, self inflicted damage is punishment enough though!

Hope everyone else is being better behaved than me,
