General WeMitt thread. week commecning 29th January 2007

Hi everyone,
Well I'v FINALLY made it onto my scales. I weigh 160.8 lbs. which is 11st6.8lbs. so I have lost about 4lbs in a fortnight. Not like being on SS, but in the right direction. We're going to Prague for my birthday on Feb 17th, so I want to get down to my "before Christmas" weight of 10st11lbs before then, if I possibly can. I suppose over 9lbs in 2 weeks is a tall order, because I'm not planning on SS ing, but I'll do my best - FINALLY - I'm "in the mood" !!!
It's a lovely sunny day here in Derbyshire, hope you all have a good day.
Ann x
Please include Mrs Tweedy in your thoughts/prayers - she needs our support but is too unhappy to come on here.
Hi WeMitts, where are you all???
Well, I went to the gym for the first time in weeks (about 9 weeks) yesterday. DH has joined as well, so at least each Saturday, we shoud be able to go together. Able is one thing - willing is quite another!!!!
I found I could still do my programme, but I ache a bit today. Really MUST try to go regularly to shift this 9lbs I am left with after Christmas - and shift it before we go to Prague for my birthday on the 17th Feb if I possibly can.
Hope you are all doing well and managing to keep warm.
Ann xx
Please include Mrs Tweedy in your thoughts and prayers. She is at an emotional all time low - but still sticking to the diet - mainly I guess because she doesn't want to eat, or do anything else, including post on here.
Hi all Wemitts -

- and an especial hello to Mrs T. Whatever is ailing you, honey, you know you're being thought about here and lots of love is coming your way via the ether xxxxx

Ann - well done on getting so close to your pre-Christmas weight. 9 lbs is hardly anything at all in the overall scheme of how much you've lost .. and I wouldn't be at all surprised if you're very close to losing that by the time you go to Prague. Regardless of whether you lose all 9 lbs or not, you are one amazing-looking 60 year old - and I'll be thrilled if I look half as good in 10 years time! :D

Debbie - I saw the Portsmouth photos and thought exactly the same thing as Steve's colleagues! You look utterly stunning - seriously!!! :eek: Really looking forward to seeing you again in Brum .. and maybe you might even have something a tad stronger than fizzy water this time? ;) Only if you want to, of course *lol* (Bad influence? Moi? :rolleyes: )

Anja - just keep on keeping on. If anyone has the determination to you get back to their lowest-ever weight, I know you are that person! Go girl!! :)

Love to all other Wemitts, old buddies as well as those I haven't met yet (just new friends-in-waiting ...)