Gen's CD Diary... Day 185... gonna give SS another bash!!

Day 141...

hiya guys well i was due to start ss'ing yesterday and didn't. was all my own fault chose to do one thing over another and well the results are didn't start it but ya know its ok and i'm not disappointed about not re-starting, just can't wait to restart to get the last part of this show on the road to be honest!!

so the new revised plan is to get a good nights sleep tonight, weigh myself in the morning and restart tomorrow....

i just wish that i didn't feel i look good cos then it might spur me more into getting my **** together.... if that makes any sense??? i have lovely clothes and look well but i do know that i want the rest of this weight off and just can't imagine how i will feel when its all gone WOW!!

anyway i'm wrecked now and really ranting so will stop now.... i'm lurking on here for most of the day so feel free to stop by and post or just for a general chat... PLEASE :) :)


Gen xx
Hi Gen
I can totally understand howmuch harder it is to rev up the enthusiasm when you know you look so much better than you did. However, it has to be super tempting to see how you will look properly slim. When I lost 4 stone afew years ago, I listened to the compliments and enjoyed shopping in ordinary shops to such an extent that I forgot why I had started and what I had hoped to achieve. I let dropping 4 stone be' good enough' for me. But it wasn't, not really, now having put back 2 of the 4 lost I find myself battling again. I have lost 16lbs and am going strong but I am NOT going to stop too soon because I know that the same traps are waiting there for me to fall into! You go for it Gen, you have worked so hard to get where you want to be, don't stop until you are truly happy, that may be in 39.5lbs time or a little sooner. I am sure you will know when the time comes. Good luck, Love
Hi Gen,

If you are finding it hard getting back to SS try the 790 for a week then drop down to SS. This really can make a difference when trying to get back into the programme.

Ah Barb thanks very much for your post. I'm very aware that i could put weight on really quickly if i don't cop on because i ain't really looking at the healthy options when i am eating... i still have a long way to go both losing weight and gettin my head sorted but am fully committed to getting there cos i'm never going back to the way i was and thats for definite!!!

gonna head off now and look for your diary and keep up with the goings on!!! well done on getting ur head back on track and thanks for posting ur experiences, it really helps to keep the fact of how easy it is to get complacent at the front of my head!!!

gen xx
Hi Gen,

If you are finding it hard getting back to SS try the 790 for a week then drop down to SS. This really can make a difference when trying to get back into the programme.


Cheers for that Linda

My plan is to start SS'ing tomorrow and if this proves too difficult then the 790 plan it is for me, but to be honest once i put my mind to it i'll be grand. i just totally ignored it yesterday!!!

thanks for the advice and will be totally taking it on board if i find tomorrow too difficult!

gen xx
Hey Gen!

Hi Gen!!!

How's things? Just got back from being away all week yesterday. Came on here last night quickly but was just so shattered that we went to bed early! It's a bank holiday here today so I'm at home relaxing!

Read your posts last night - sounds like you had a fab time away! And the food damage wasn't as bad as it could have been. You'll get those few pounds off once you start siing again! Are you starting tomorrow or today? It's so hard to start again once you've had food! I've had things that I shouldn't have had while I was away, but only picky things. I WI tomorrow, so fingers crossed! How are you going on your own? Bet it's tough doing it without having a CDC to WI with. Are you going to do WW? You know that you'll get your head around your re-start, it may just take you a few days! Once you get there though I'm sure nothing will get in your way! Have you tried posting on the re-starters bit of the website? Just think about how good you think you look now - well how good are you going to look when you are down to 10 stone! You'll look BRILL!!! :D :D :D

Hope you have a good day. I'll prob start posting properly tomorrow at work :eek:!!

Speak soon, love Sarah x
Hiya Sarah... i missed ya girl... you have no idea the big smile on my face when i saw ur post!!

well girl how was your week away?? tell me all the gossip???

i'm planning on restarting ss'ing tomorrow but if that proves too difficult will do 790 and re-introduce myself slowly but i've always been fine once i put my mind to it so fingers crossed!! i really have just been putting other things before weight loss for the past few weeks but not in a bad way and to be honest i think, for me, anyway its all a learning curve and i'm learning every day!

i do know tho that when i'm coming up to maintenance i'm gonna have to do a lot of work on refeeding properly and starting to choose the right foods cos i really haven't been choosing properly at all!! but i'm not pissed off over it at all i just really can't wait to get back on ss for the control and the good feeling that it brings!!

hope you are around for a little bit today, can't believe its a bank holiday.... i'd love to be off today!!!


Gen xx
Hi Gen

I totally relate to what you are saying about looking well now and having nice clothes to wear and feeling good and it is like why lose anymore, sure your grand:rolleyes:

Then I look at my reality and I have just stepped once again out of the obese BMI which I am thrilled about and it does shock me into seeing that it is far too much for my wee body to be carrying around on a daily basis and not good for my heart of knee joints.

I think the compliments have indeed gone to my head and that is what happened as I was so unuse to had been years since anyone actually said they liked something I wore:eek:

Because of all this I have reviewed my goal weight and feel 9 stone is probably a good goal to have and I should be a size 10 dress and from here that looks good.

Good luck with tomorrow and I know there is one thing about you Gen when you say your going to do it, You Do:D

Love Mini xxx
Cheers mini... i just had a chicken kebab and it was really nice but not as nice as i remembered i have to say and also now feel full and lethargic!!!

one of the guys i used to work with was in and said, god gen the size of ur ass its getting really small.... ur like j lo!!!! oh my god i nearly fainted ha ha ha i have got a pair of blue jeans on today and i feel really good but that was a lovely compliment!!!

anyway still set to start tomorrow yay me... thinking i might get a chinese from my fave chinese tonight and then that will be it...

its kinda funny cos 'my friend' the FTM and the wanker, he is actually grand at the moment or maybe i have changed... but he is still trying to give up the drink and always has 'one last night' or drinks his fave bottle of wine and it reminds me so much of my own battle with food. i suppose we all have our issues!! but i do believe that each and every time we try and don't succeed we learn a lesson from it and when we do succeed well we are just over the moon!! i was really only typing out loud on that last bit so it probably makes no sense to anyone but me, but thats ok :) :)


gen xx
Hey Gen!

How's things going today? Are you getting the Chinese tonight? Guess you know what is best for you! I agree with Mini, when you say you're going to do it, you'll do it, whether it's tomorrow or next week! You go for it Gen, and keep your eyes on the prize! ;) People are saying you look good now, imagine the compliments when you've lost another 2 stone! It's so easy to get complacent with CD, but don't let yourself get complacent for long. Anyway, you know what's best etc, good luck with tomorrow and your 100% ssing! We are all here for you so just shout if you need us!

I'm having a really nice relaxing day - just watched Wedding Crashers flaked out on the sofa with hubby, which was really good! Really don't want to go back to work though - I'm only in 3 days this week though, so it could be worse!

Have a good evening! And make sure you really enjoy the Chinese if you have it!

Love Sarah x
Thanks for that sarah...

isn't wedding crashers hillarious, watched it for the 2nd time the other week and just laughed my ass off!!

watched 40 year old virgin the other night too for the 2nd time and once again laughed my ass off, soooo bloody funny, if ya haven't seen it its a must!!

hope to catch ya tomorrow and thanks for the well wishes..


Gen xx
Day 142 and yes guys today is the first day of my restart!!! I'm really focussed and taking it one meal at a time.

Weighed in this morning 12st 11lb so hopefully will lose approx 6 of that by this day next week, a girl can hope eh :) :)

So the plan is... I'm gonna see how I get on with CD for the next week or two, if I find that I'm stopping and starting then its WW for me for a while till I find my CD feet again. I think if I don't have a back up plan I will just throw caution to the wind and eat like a mad woman possessed and then I'll be rooting through the bin bags for all them not nice clothes I used to wear and guys that just ain't happening.

If and I'm really determined that it will, CD goes well for me and I'm sticking to it then the plan is to stick with it for approx 8 weeks, hopefully bringing me down to between 10 and 10.5 stone and then re-assess my situation. I feel I'm no longer out of control food wise and yes indeed I have options which I'm very thankful for. Its weird cos before if I was to think about doing WW the mountain was just far far too high to ever get over but now if I have to do WW then so be it but obviously I'd rather CD cos I want this weight gone sooner rather than later.

Anyways I want to be at goal, whatever that is, by Xmas. I'm not putting any pressure on myself and just taking it as it comes and for me at the moment thats just the best way to do it.

After typing all of that I'm even more focused on CD than I was before typing it so yay!!!

I'm also back doing Pilates next week for 6 weeks and am starting back doing my relaxation class once a week from hopefully this Thursday and of course the gym will be calling me 3 times a week!!!

Its bloody cold here today, gonna have to buy some new winter jumpers and stuff cos all my old reliables are far too big and horrible to wear.... my friend gave me a bag of clothes the other day, all 14's, tried on the trousers and they just about fit, I reckon 3 weeks doing this and I should be in them yippee!!! I'm saving a fortune getting all the clothes from her and am saving money for when i'm getting my whole new wardrobe at xmas.... can't wait for that!!!

Anyways enough chatting out of me today, might just do a bit of work.....

by the way i'm gonna allow myself 4 packs today, IF, and only if i need them, aiming for 3 but if i need 4 i'm gonna have it. anyone any comments or advice on this???

Gen xx
well i'm halfway through first shake of the day, choc mint mmmmmmm love it! and am still sooo friggin focused its kinda freaking me out a bit, i haven't even had a slight wobble along the lines of 'ah sure if i get to tonight and want to eat i will'.... i'm really happy about it but just a bit freaked, ah well i'm sure i'll get through it!!

my mam just phoned to let me know that her family is having a big family reunion and its gonna be on the 20th & 21st October... now the timing couldn't be better cos its about then I was hoping to be switching to WW and have just about got rid of all my weight!!! most of her family hasn't seen me since before CD so i'm going into hiding cos i don't want anyone to see me until then and can't wait to see their faces.. i'm really delighted about the timing of the reunion!!

alls good in gens world today!!!

Gen xxxx
What great timing! That'll be fab to see all their faces! You'll get there by then!! Yey! Keep focused!! It's a great feeling isn't it!!?? You go girl - you're doing FAB!!!
well its nearly time for my 2nd shake, gonna have the chick & mushroom i just love it. anyway have been having a few wobbles re whether to eat tonight but am trying my best to keep them at bay and so far so good. i really could do CD all day long but then the evenings just get me... anyway will see how i get on... i'm really tired as well so that doesn't help!

i also just read a really bad report on lipotrim in an irish magazine.... i'm gonna post about it now, bit mad!!

also just had kinda words with a friend of mine which i'm also gonna post about on a different thread!!!


Gen xxx
Hey Gen!

You'll be good! I know you haven't got the internet at home, so feel free to give me a text if you're struggling!

Am waiting for you to post your next post and hear all your news!

Love Sarah x
thanks for that Sarah... i actually opened a new thread its about bad reports on Lipotrim!!

i'm gonna do another one re: words with friend!!

thanks for your support... i'm not sure how i feel at the moment its weird, i know i'm tired and that doesn't help!! anyway i know i'll get there!


Gen xx
ok just my thoughts at the moment but thought i would jot them down....

at the moment i'm feeling that if i get through my first day of CD thats it for the next however long i'm on it for as opposed to if i don't do a full day one i can start again tomorrow. ok that makes no sense.. what i'm trying to say is that my mind is telling me that if i don't eat tonight i have started the diet and there is no eating for a while.... its a funny feeling cos thats exactly what i want to do but i'm not sure why i'm feeling like this. i know i can eat tomorrow or the next day if i want to but i think i would feel like more of a failure having got through a day 1 and not eaten only to eat on day 2 or 3......... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how strange our minds work!!! anyway glad i got that out, better out than in!!! and the learning curve resumes lol lol

Gen x
Hey Gen!

How's things? Hope yesterday evening was okay and you didn't get tempted by the fridge??!! :D :D :D

By the sounds of your post yesterday evening you seem to have got your head around it - or have I completely misunderstood!!?? :confused: :D ;)

Hope today goes as well as yesterday - keep positive!!

As normal I'm around most of the day today, and night!!

Love Sarah x

P.S. Where are these pics??????????????????????????????? :D :D :D