Hey Gen
Well i've just caught up on your post and if i was close enough to kick you up the arse then i bloody well would!!! Quit the excuses and just STICK TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm struggling on maintenance myself so i do know how hard it is, but come girlfriend you are just letting it slide really badly now and you really need to find some way of getting focussed.
I know i'm being harsh but i really think it's what you need honey!
Love ya
Gen, if he can't see what a good friend you've been to him, he's just not worth it hun! He is so not worth it. You need to concentrate on you and getting you back on track. Please don't feel hurt - he doesn't know what he's talking about! You're such a fab person, couldn't have got through this without your help! Sorry if that's a bit mushy!!
Hope all works out!
Love Sarah x
posted this on karen's dating thread but just wanted it on my own for when i look back and see just how god damn silly i was/am!!!
on WW (weekend wanker as opposed to weight watchers lol)... when i left him this morning he said i'll call ya later, don't call me (he says that when he is getting his **** together) anyway i just rang him there cos i just wanted to say hello, i know i shouldn't have, but he was soooo distant with me and then said what was the last thing i said to you leaving this morning re don't ring me..... i just made my excuses and hung up. i feel like i have just been punched in the stomach and there was just no need for that at all. i have been there for him so much and thats his fucking attitude. i just feel really hurt by that!
Just reading that makes me sad that he was like that with you after all you have been through in the last few weeks with him.
It just seems to me he is a taker...with the above attitude I think you do deserve a lot better.
Your a kind loving genrous person and I think there is loads of lovely guys out there who would really appreciate a girl like you.
I know he is in a bad place right now, but that is bad behaviour and bad behaviour does not change with marriage, it gets worse![]()
He knows you will be there for him time and again and you are!
Everytime he thinks he has you he seems to begin taken you for granted again and when he can't have you he comes all over nice. This is a tough roller coaster, it has its highs with all the excitement of getting back together and then the lows are really low.
It can be very addictive...
Sending you hugs and don't let him get you down and get on with your diet...a girl has to look her best for Mr. Right when he might happen to come along...
Love Mini xxx