Busy busy busy!!
LOL - that's what happens when you go AWOL!!!
Hiya Gen,
Been wondering where you were .
Congrats on the ss day 2 WTG i am aiming for day 1 tommorow wish me luck .
Glad counselling is hitting the spot hunny good to see you have stopped beating yourself up .
Take care and keep it up love julie xxx
Welcome back Gen, sending ya best wishes and good vibes for day three :vibes:
8lb gone already?????? I am soooooooooooo jealous!!
Glad its going well for ye hun....long may it last!
ah thanks a million girl... don't be jealous... i have a LOT more than you to lose!!!
long may it continue indeed hee hee
Gen xxx
I am jealous....!!! 8lbs wud take me to bang on 12 stone....wud be v nice indeed!! But I'm sure I'll get there eventually!!
Hey girl - I'm so chuffed to hear you so sparky and feeelin gooood!!!
That's brill!!!
Good for you, doll!