blimey Gen... ok... even though I don't feel all that qualified to give advice here's my take on it..
Do NOT text him or call him! Let HIM do the chasing now. I once had a date with a guy who behaved as you have and I realised that it is so very unattractive and off-putting , even though it is precisely how I have been with every date I've had in the last 2 years!! (until Eric)
So.. having experienced it from the other side so to speak, I would say, back off.. if you really must text him limit yourself to once a day, keep it light and chatty, don't hassle him for another date, if he wants to see you he will let you know. Play hard to get and you will find out just how keen he really is. If , after a few days, there is no mention of a second date then just forget him. He might fancy you but not want to be in a relationship with you. Men can kiss without giving a toss about you hon. They can have sex with a woman and not give a flying fig about her emotionally - seriously - it means nothing, it's just physical attraction for them. Now, before I get accused of man-bashing, I am generalising here.. BUT.. if a guy kisses you on your first date it doesn't necessarily mean they want to be in a relationship with you, that's all I'm saying... (been there,done that, got the t-shirt etc etc..) of course that works t'other way too... ladies can be the same!
As you know, I am NO expert on the man front (look at how things went with Eric! lol) but I do know that if you harass (coz that's what it is) a bloke with loads of texts and demanding phone calls, well, he'll head for the hills and who could blame him!
I believe that we only stop being needy with blokes when we realise our true self worth.
So,.. remember with a grin your date, leave him alone, and see what happens!
Fingers crossed he will be panting at the door! lol xx