Day 2 already... I'm 6lb down since yesterday OMG
Hey guys
Well I'm back in the zone again

on day 2 and am feeling really good...
Weighed myself yesterday morning and was 14st 4lb

clothes were absolutely glued to me so I had no choice but to SS so thank god my head was in the right place!! anyways weighed in this morning at 13st 12lb... an amazing 6lb down in 1 day

is that possible, i don't care it says it on my scales and i believe it
went to my relaxtion class last night and it was lovely. when we were working through what my 'thing' was it came out that it was just to accept and enjoy myself as i am now... never mind weight loss etc and it was really nice to just be able to do that...
so this morning at about 5:30

i woke up after having a dream about an ex friend of mine and her sister... this friend let me down more times than i had hot dinners and that is no exaggeration... she was in my life when i was about 11 - 15 and was very beautiful and i looked up to her... she didn't realise her beauty at the time but as she grew she started realising and was a total sneaky cow, she also had a sister who was even more bitchy but she owed me nothing, if ya know what i mean, it was my friend who was letting me down... well this has stuck with me all through my adult life and with my friends who are amazing and when i did my counselling a couple of years ago it came up all the time and my problems were about being let down, left alone (even tho i had loads of friends) and just not being able to trust their intentions???? anyway its a long time since i even thought about her let alone let her get in the way of my life but this morning, getting back to the beginning of the story

i woke up after having a dream that these 2 were somehow back in my life and i was to meet with them... so i went but they weren't there or something along them lines but i didn't wait, i didn't call and i didn't care..... then i got a call from my ex friend asking where i was she wanted to meet up blah blah and i just ignored it.... so a very distructive relationship put to bed me thinks.... i was awake for about an hour after that just thinking about the whole thing and how maybe that was it gone for good??? anyway with tears in my eyes i'm typing this (tears of joy mind... ) and i'm glad about that!!!
so on to the other destructive relationship of WW (weekend wanker) he is all but gone from my life... i don't think i will contact him again and its nearly always me who contacts him.... i probably and hopefully won't hear from him again... i do have some sadness about not seeing him again but he is not good for me and i know that and i'm not good for him either so there!!! maybe i will have a dream about him soon
anyway signed up with a dating website last week and OMG is all i can say... there are ooodles of men out there just dying to meet girls... i was on this site a few years ago and would never send a pic... but this time i did to whoever asked for one and the compliments i am getting is unreal.... there is one guy i am meeting on saturday and we get on really well and i think i like him a lot... he is quite cute too!!! another i'm meeting on thursday... don't have a pic but he is really nice and local... and then there is this absolute sex god that is 6ft 7 (i'm only 4ft 11) and he is just gorgeous and soooooooooo complimentary of my pics that i just have to meet him.... i'm spending soooooooo much money on bloody credit but who cares i'm loving it!!!
so i'm starving myself this week lol for my date on saturday night... i'm picturing spending nice evenings with him over xmas and alll.... talk about putting the cart before the horse but ya know what i like me now and why shouldn't other people!!!!!
jesus that was good to get out!!! sorry if you got caught up reading that and now you probably need a lie down hee hee
Gen xxxx