Getting a grip

You're going to have such a great time! :)
T in the park is super x
Not too early TH. Perhaps you can do some kind of themed festival learning at school for a change. that would be fun for you and the children. X
Not too early TH. Perhaps you can do some kind of themed festival learning at school for a change. that would be fun for you and the children. X

They already know the groups because I play the music daily when they do their morning aerobic-type exercises :) some of the parents are festival goers so that's good :)

You'll have a ball :D

Just feel the need to tell everyone how super slim you looked on Friday, you really did look amazing and should be very proud of how well you've done on this diet....bloody hell even I'm proud of you :) xx
So today I'm doing home visits which involves visiting 10 of my pupils who are starting in September. Should be interesting! Lots of driving and lots of offers of coffee and biscuits. Black coffee only for me!

Then a meeting with a parent then shoot home for a meeting with a social worker who is interviewing me as a referee for my sister who biscotti g to adopt. Fingers crossed that goes well.

Have a great day! X
Never heard of home visits before. Is that a new thing TH X
Good day. Busy but good! Drank black coffees during visits :)

Interview with social worker went well. Hope sis n her OH get approved for adoption :)

Just going to have second and third pack now. Starving!

Have a good night :) x
Hurray to me joining you on the TS train tomorrow - you'll have to be extra extra extra extra good to keep me motivated & good luck with that job :D xx
I thought u had posted this morning. Must have dreamt that I did!

Anyway, good day all in. Bit if a headache but that's because I'm out visiting children all day n not drinking gallons at my desk as per usual!

Had a great session with Katie at the gym. She did a great job in spinning class and is up for another spin class tomorrow. What a star!!!

Just made sachet 2+3 which I'm going to eat now. Hope ur winning :) x
Little miss cyclone legs you are! Like a whirling dervish - was a fab idea of yours and the benefit is that I don't hate you like I was expecting to :D xx
Good going TH. Sounds like you are a whizz at spin x

Last day of my home visits. Quite enjoy doing them really. Have missed my class though. They hang off me when I pop into class, bless them!

Meeting Katie for spinning then we are going to try a pump class :)

Sun is shining. Hope it's the same for you.

Just think... If you spill a tiny drop of red wine on the carpet u wouldn't pour the whole bottle over the carpet afterwards. So if u falter, stop and clean up, minimise the damage. Learn from the mistake. Keep the red wine in the bottle, don't pour it all over! X
That's a great analogy TH! Have a lovely day on your home visits :) I want to teach reception one day :) x