Good morning
Got back from work last night at 10.45pm, and the training we had was really nothing to do with my project. But, still good to network with colleagues I suppose. I've taken to taking sleeping pills at night as this redundancy thing is really getting to me.
My OH has not helped or supported me, and I remember a conversation a few months ago about contributing, and hed said that "If you don't contribute, whats the point in you being here". I pay towards the utilities here and also a third of the food bill as well. I lost £900 a month when I moved in with him last year and he knew I wouldn't be able to pay much. I do all the cooking and most of the cleaning. HE earns trebble what I earn and gets a £4000.00 bonus twice a year (which I never see anything of). Anyway, with me and my son, if Im out of a job, that would mean me being in so much debt, not sure what I'd do. Last night I asked him what would happen if I was out of a job, he said that "we'd have to sort something out". Not.. "don't worry Nick, I'll help". So am feeling a little lost right now with this hanging and finding it hard to sleep.
Diet wise, im doing ok.. staying on track and chest infection has almost gone now, so will be at the gym Saturday and Sunday. So not all bad, lol..
Sorry to babble on about my dreary life right now

Meal planned for today is as follows:
14 (4 carried over from yesterday) syns - EE
- Bfast - Scrambled egg with tomatoe(sf), ham and seasoning.
- Snack - Alpen Ligh Bar (1/2 b)
- Lunch - Homemade Spicey Carrot, Leek and tomatoe soup (sf)
- Snack - Banana
- Dinner - 3 l/f sausages (1.5) mash potatoe, 20g l/f grated cheddar (1/2 a), 50 ml skimmed milk (1/7 a) green beans and cabbage (sf) and drizzle of gravy (3) Total - 4.5
- Desert - 2 ww yogurts, fruit pack (sf) and Alpen light Bar(1/2 b) curly wirly (6)
Milk for coffee and tea (4 in total) - 75 ml skimmed milk (the rest of the A)
Thats both A and B's used and 10.5 syns as well. 3.5 to carry over to tomorrow
