Getting back to target... somehow!!!

Oh C great to read you!!! Inspirational - I will follow your lead albeit on conso for the moment!!!! Got weighed at the gym on Tuesday and they will weigh me again on Tuesday but still not looking at them scales!!! Blimmin scared to!!! LOL! Keep going lovely and fab news about the jeans - hope the monthly weigh in is fandabadastic - it's next week isn't it? xxx
Re: Dukan - 3rd time lucky!!!

your doing fab Amy
I need you to send some of your positive vibes up north to me please!
Chris, some positive vibes heading your way!! Did you decide to give Tudy's conso plan a try?

Trudy - weigh in is next Friday! How have those weeks flown by so quickly? That's scary! I am due to have my period, so am very very tempted to weigh in now as I also have a night out the following night and won't want to weigh for a few days....

I already have a plan in place, will be drinking vodka and soda and asking for a single shot in a pint glass so it takes me longer.

I'm not sure how I am feeling at the mo, a bit trimmer but it is fluctuating. I just measured myself to get an idea and I have lost 2 inches off my bust and 2 inches off my waist but am exactly the same on my bottom half! That's the area I really want to lose from. And I have been exercising, so that is frustrating.

It is making me want to know the numbers more just to be sure it is coming off.

I have also been having some major feelings of wanting fruit. Just quick snacks that aren't protein based lol. I suppose it is just fatigue setting in. Friends are always amazed that I can do this diet, and stick to it so completely, but the results have always been worth it!

Arrrrgh I am feeling the pull of the scales!
Thanks P :) I have resisted!

So annoyed!!! Just bought an iced skinny latte from costa, thinking it was like Starbucks and literally just an iced coffee but it had loads of sugar in it!! Grr. I drank a bit, then shook it around and it suddenly got very sweet. So, hoping my OH will have it ( waiting to get picked up!) I can't stand waste like that. Boo :( annoyed that I accidentally 'cheated' when I completely didn't want to.

We have family over for a BBQ today and just done the shop, 90% of it I can't eat and feeling a bit miffed, I want a wine, I even just want a banana at the moment!!! Lol just want to in with everything today.

Hope you all have a lovely Sunday xx
Forgive me, for I have sinned! (Am still sinning actually!) day not gone as planned, family couldn't make it and I have oodles of food and I have been tucking in! Also on my 2nd bottle of lager and planning some wine later!

So.... It is happening and today will be baaaaad Dukan day, but tomorrow is a new day and I am looking at it positively.. It can be good for the system to have a little blow out and make the metabolism kick into action, (can you hear me convincing myself from there?) I'll be back on it tomorrow and will enjoy whatever I have today! :)
One day no problem and as you say tomorrow another day - great attitude and a winning one - enjoy tonight Amy!! xxx
Thanks Trudy xox bleugh I feel horrible today! I was so dehydrated last night!!

I feel so fine about getting back on plan today, but wish I could have some fruit. why didn't I think of eating some yesterdAy hey? The homemade chocolate cake just shouted loudest!

I feel annoyed with myself as nothing I had was really that nice or worth it. The alcohol made me sleep badly and I am so much more aware of how things are making me feel.

But I am viewing yesterday as a necessary test. I need to know I can have something but get straight back on track.
Your forgiven, no point in beating yourself up like you said straight back on plan and maybe the scales will be kind one blow out isint the end of the world. xxx
Totally Amy - back on track today is all that matters - if you wobble today have the fruit!!!! xx
I would have that banana, as its on your mind and how much harm could it do in the big scheme of things xxx
Well, went out with some old work friends last night and had planned to just have one drink... (Or none!!) I didn't go mad, but I had a couple glasses of wine (small ones) and 2 gin and slim line tonics....

We were supposed to have dinner but we were too late, so I barely ate yesterday! Not ideal! Feel a bit rubbish this morning and not really what I was hoping for before my WI on Friday!

Oh well, I will have a Pp day and eat plenty of protein and keep 'em crossed. I could have been so much worse though. They bought crisps and I didn't touch them, I considered getting something to eat on the way home, but didn't, so not all bad.

Have a great day all xx
Oh could have been much much worse Amy, a good couple of days will put you right back on track...... I am gonna weigh on Friday too so will face the music - mind likely to be a gain but I can take it!!! x
be positive girls, xxx
Ah Amy you did fab so proud of you not touching crisps - that is an achievement in itself - can't wait to find out how much you've lost Mrs Couteaux :) X
Thanks Chris! I am out tomorrow too with some mums from school and expect it will be more of the same. MUST eat before I go this time, at least I am off and can prepare better to make sure i have plenty.

Trudy - weigh in tomorrow!!! Eeeeeeeek! Can you believe we made it a month with no scales? I am proud of us :) and nervous.... and shocked that the month went by so fast, yikes!

So PP today, will be cooking up some chicken later, I really haven't eaten enough over the last 2 days. Yesterday was 3 eggs, some oatbran in yoghurt and a large chicken breast. I just didn't have any suitable Dukan food to hand, must plan better. My own fault but just crazy busy at work and not enough time.

Well..... Tomorrow we will see what the scales are saying. I am really hoping to be under 13, so need at least 5lbs to have come off this month. Fingers crossed!!
I've got everything crossed and double crossed for your weigh in tomorrow. Post early please because I cannot wait
wow a month....that's flown by xxx
12.10!!!!! I am back in the TWELVE's!!!

Wooooooo :) that works out at 2lb per week so I couldn't ask for more, I am out of the 13's at last. :D last weigh in I was 13.4 and hoped to be at least 12.13 so really chuffed with that. Phew :)

Waiting a month was definitely worth it and very relieved. I think I might do another month... We shall see though :)

Soooo... Off to get some nice veggies today. I am out for drinks tonight, will be good (ish) and eat before I go. I don't want to undo this weight loss now!