x_sambam_x said:Hi Girls, just thought I'd update, I'm now 9st 4lb! Lost 6lb since my last post... I've been doing 30 day shred DVD I think it's workingx
That's brilliant! Well done
x_sambam_x said:Hi Girls, just thought I'd update, I'm now 9st 4lb! Lost 6lb since my last post... I've been doing 30 day shred DVD I think it's workingx
gemelli said:Whoop managed to shift the 2lbs I gained last week and 1 more yey!! So now 9st 5.5my body loves the half a lb haha
kez80 said:That's it iv been off track for weeks and eaten so much rubbish, but I haven't put any weight on. I'm going to lose this last 8lbs even if I have to cut a leg off!!
kez80 said:That's it iv been off track for weeks and eaten so much rubbish, but I haven't put any weight on. I'm going to lose this last 8lbs even if I have to cut a leg off!!
Mets said:I know the feeling! Well done for not putting any weight on![]()
x_sambam_x said:Hiya icklerockchick!how has ww been?
I've had a terrible weekend too girls will b shocked if I've not put on at least 3lb on wedx
kez80 said:Just had d&s for 2 days, plus side iv lost 4lb, I'm now 8.11st. I'm going to try my hardest to stop it going back up. Yay for tummy bugs.
Baby-belle said:Lol, I was doing so well got to 9.5 then decided to have fun and put 3lbs back on and it's proving hard to get off I won't be weighing until beg of may now and I've been good since!
gemelli said:How's everyone getting on? Think I'm going to sts this week eek going to have to work really hard to hit goal now!!
Baby-belle said:What are you at now? My next wi is beg of the month as I've stopped weighing weekly. Hoping I'm back to 9.5 or lower of course!!
gemelli said:9st 5.2 from today lol! Eek!
Baby-belle said:Yay! I wanna get back there had a sneaky weigh and I'm 9.6 and a half so at least some of the pounds have gone