getting rid of 100lbs in a year.

Ahh fingers crossed for you! I have my WI today at 7.30pm. However, I am so bloated due to TOTM which is annoying. I know I will have lost weight for sure, just perhaps not the first week target of 5lbs. I will keep you updated!

thank you.

best of luck for weigh in. do you have a diary? totm is rubbish, but might mean you get a good loss next week when the bloating had gone. x x
another day on plan almost over.

managed to take Kaelan out for a walk today and it was lovely. planned to walk for 5-10 mins but ended up 15 minutes. my wound area started hurting after 10-12 mins but only a little. I'm planning on walking a little more tomorrow. I think I'll be fine to walk doing the school run in a week.

x x
Hi Jenny,

Loving your new diary. You are doing so well.

Glad hubby is supportive x x
Kaelan x x


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Ah, what a little dream..he's gorgeous..big cuddle for him X
Ooo, good that you got him out for a walk..I was just going to say did you manage ok but have just spotted your post further up, I just zoomed straight into the photos with blinkers on:)
Ah, what a little dream..he's gorgeous..big cuddle for him X
Ooo, good that you got him out for a walk..I was just going to say did you manage ok but have just spotted your post further up, I just zoomed straight into the photos with blinkers on:)

thanks Tibbs :) I feel so lucky that he is so content. The walk was good, slight bit of aching in the evening but feel good today. after the midwife has been, we're walking to the library (weather permitting)

hope you have a good day x x

15'9 on the scales this morning :) means I'm only 2lbs away from 2 stone loss. hope my scales weigh the same as sw ones. I'm hoping to get another 2lbs off before weigh in on Tuesday, be great to get my 2 stone award :)

wish the midwife would give a time shes coming as it means we've got to stay in potentially all day. hope she comes soon. I was hoping she would come early so we could go on our walk to the library and then pop in to my friends house.

only 74lbs to get to goal :) x x

I'm so exhausted today, had a late night and then Kaelan woke up and wouldn't sleep pretty much the whole night. think I'll be in bed for 7pm tonight.

weighed myself again and another 1lb down. only 1lb away from 2st lost :) Kaelan is 2 weeks old tomorrow so I'm over the moon that I've lost so much this quickly.

x x
so I'm only 73lbs away from getting my tummy tuck, I know that's a lot of weight but I know that I can do it. I have a bond expiring next year for around £3500 so realistically only need to put £1500-2000 towards surgery. If I work towards my birthday in Sept that's 49 weeks away, that means savings £40 per week. my lovely husband said to take money from his wages every month but I don't feel comfortable doing that, he's not bothered if I have a tummy tuck or not, I really want to pay for it myself. I do have savings that I could use but I already have plans for that money so don't want to touch it for something that is just for me. I must admit I feel a little selfish spending £5k on myself but its something I've wanted since my first c-section 13 years ago so I'm going to do it.
I feel so excited at the thought of having a nice flat tummy. considering I'm classed as obese and only had a baby 13 days ago, my upper tummy above my belly button is really slim, the problem is the bottom part :(
so if I'm losing focus or having a bad food day, I'm going to do my best to remember how much I want this.
That does not sound like fun!! Definitely get an early night.

Can't believe you have lost nearly 2 stone, unbelievable. You'll be in a great position before you even go for your first WI

thanks Charlie, I'm so pleased how quickly its dropping off. be great if it continued at this speed :) x x
just transferred £118.25 to my tummy tuck savings account. I love saving and generally make it my focus when I have something to save for. Although maternity allowance is a bit rubbish, as I haven't been going out for a couple of weeks, most of it is still in my account. I think I'll add the odd pounds and pence each day from my account and then add what's left over at the end of the week or month. I'm sure I'll be at £1500/2000 well before my birthday, I'll continue saving in this account afterwards as I'm not sure how much it will cost. £5000 is an estimate but I may need muscle repair/lipo too which will cost extra.

I feel really excited and really close to my goals, crazy as I'm still 73lbs away lol.
Good morning,

had a great night with Kaelan, it was my husband that kept waking me to check on him and ask if we should feed him. he worries if Kaelan sleeps for more than 4 hours but midwife said its fine as he gaining weight well.

weighted this morning and I'm 15'7 :) this time 2 weeks ago I was waiting to have my C-section, I weighed 17'7 so I'm feeling great to be 2 stone down only 2 weeks later. looking forward to getting back into the 14s soon. the scales were flicking between 15'6 and 15'7 so hopefully I'll be 15'6 next time. I want to break the habit of weighing everyday as I'm back at group on Tuesday and ideally only want to get weighed there. so if scales weigh the same at group, means I'll get my 2 stone certificate.

I just transferred £28.65 to tummy tuck account :)

I stupidly agreed to have a telephone session with one of my clients today at 11. its not that bad as its on the phone but I really wanted to take this time away from work. its only 50mins though and I'll probably put the money to tummy tuck account. think I need to learn to say no more.

have a good day x x
Well done on the 2 stone!

I also need to learn to weigh only at class and not every day as it can be demotivating some times as weight fluctuates a lot during the week, and also can become obsessive.

Good luck with the call, and hopefully won't seem too bad. Glad you had a better night's sleep

Well done on the 2 stone!

I also need to learn to weigh only at class and not every day as it can be demotivating some times as weight fluctuates a lot during the week, and also can become obsessive.

Good luck with the call, and hopefully won't seem too bad. Glad you had a better night's sleep


thx Charlie. I always have good intentions about only once a week but it doesn't happen. I'm going to make a big effort to stick to it :) x x
Fantastic to have lost 2st in 2wks Jenny..what an incentive your tummy tuck is as well, it'll keep you focused..and what a fantastic saver you are! I'm rubbish at saving:)
How did your call go? I think when you're self employed it's harder to say no even when it's something you don't really want to do.
Hope your husband doesn't keep waking you tonight:D bless him:) X
Fantastic to have lost 2st in 2wks Jenny..what an incentive your tummy tuck is as well, it'll keep you focused..and what a fantastic saver you are! I'm rubbish at saving:)
How did your call go? I think when you're self employed it's harder to say no even when it's something you don't really want to do.
Hope your husband doesn't keep waking you tonight:D bless him:) X

Hi Tibbs,

thank you, I hope he doesn't wake me too. I've warned him lol.

I feel so excited about my tummy tuck. its only 72lbs away :) I started looking at places to have it done last night, felt so much more real.

call went well thanks, I was breastfeeding Kaelan for half of it lol. yeah I agree it makes it harder to say no, especially when its a long term client.

I hope you, Dave and Bess are all ok x x