I lasted 1 day not weighing at home

lol I'm 15'5 on my scales today and I weigh the same on sw ones so pleased to be 1.5lbs down since Friday. although I do just want to weigh at group, I need to remember to drink as soon as I wake up as I don't want to weigh myself then. with that 1.5lbs it takes me to 30lbs lost

I'm not updating my signature or details on here until group weigh in on Friday. hopefully I'll be another 1.5lbs down by then for a 3lb loss this week, fingers crossed.
Kaelan had a stuffy nose in the night, it was such a shame for him. he was trying to feed but kept coming unlatched for air

touch wood he seems ok this morning, nipples are killing from the amount of times he latched and bit down out of frustration.
I had 4 mini Halloween donuts yesterday, planned on having 1 but they were yummy, so glad I stopped at 4 as sure I could've eaten the whole box, must be about 16 in it. I'm not sure what the syns were but I didn't have any other syns yesterday so hopefully no more than 15, they are the tiny donuts so hoping not too bad.
Kaelan's eyes are turning blue, I'm sure most babies are born with blue eyes but Kaelans were really dark, looking more like his big brother now. he's so beautiful
plan for the day is to finish the washing, steam clothes and relax in a lovey bath. I have to plan everything around Kaelan breastfeeding, if I want a bath I ask hubby or girls to run it while I'm feeding him so I know I have at least an hour before he's looking for more milk lol.
x x