I've had a bad couple of hours. Kaelan screamed all the way to school and would only stop when I picked him up. I damaged my knee really badly 3 years ago and sometimes it gives way and I fall over, I don't like walking with Kaelan as it would be awful if it gave way when I was holding him. got home and husband really annoyed me, he really isn't being very supportive or helpful this week which is frustrating, especially as he wants another baby. just told him I'm getting my tubes tied. I'm not asking for much for him to clean up after himself and if he's off work, to help with Kaelan instead of leaving me to do everything. I'm tired and been getting really bad cramps yesterday and today but it feels like everything is my responsibility regardless of whats going on for me. men!!!! he was great when I first got home with Kaelan but it seems he thinks I'm fine to do everything again now my wound has healed.
anyway enough about him. I wasn't in the mood to cook so just put pizzas in for the kids and I had a spag bowl left from when I batch cooked, feels good that I managed to stay on plan. the old me would order pizza or indian if I felt down or grumpy.
I could really do with a long soak in the bath with a glass of baileys, but I'm breastfeeding so no baileys and my daughter clogged the bath with tissue last night and water wont go down. hubby meant to be sorting it but don't want to ask him right now.
think I mentioned before that 1lb of weight = 4lbs of pressure on the knee with every step. so I've lost 2st 3lbs since having Kaelan, that means that there's 8st 12lbs less pressure on my bad knee

when I'm another couple of stone down I might have another knee operation, I've had 2 so far.
I'm going to try and sort the bath out x x