I am back already

I just need the support! Writing out my thoughts here does really seem to help.
I had 22 syns yesterday

. Five of those were a ww meal as I hadn't organised anything for dinner (despite having all day to do so). I also did no exercise (partly due to bad back). Weight was down slightly today though so it wasn't as if I really pigged out or anything.
I have also started having my second HeB (and am doing RED days) during the day as well as some treat syns - which really isn't helping at all. I shall save them until the evening from now on!
I aim to have around 10 syns per day (and no more than 70 syns in a week). I am now on 52 syns for the week with 3 days left to go so I will stick to 6 syns max for each of these and I will be fine.
I had a friend at Uni (sadly we lost touch as she didn't approve of my relationship with the man who became my first husband - apparently we weren't suited at all. She was very outspoken - which is what I loved and loathed about her at the same time! She was right though and I still miss her.) who used to say
'doing it when it is tough is when it counts'. She represented her county for one sport and country for another so she wasn't one to shy away from hard work - being her flatmate though I also saw the other side of it, saw her struggle through the hard bits.
That still inspires me to this day! These last few days have been tough for me - I'm not quite sure why but I have definitely been quite 'blah'. I feel like I have barely clung on to losing weight during this, but I did. I needed a few extra syns one day to make it through but I could afford them in the week view.
My back is ok - I had to stand at the bus stop this am and it started to go even with my MBTs. It usually take a couple of days to sort out once I have done it though. I have got to stop making that mistake!
I got carried away with my exercise plans, too. My new goals are to simply take the dogs for a walk each day (don't worry my DH takes them if I don't!), even if it is only for 20 mins and go to the gym whilst my son is doing sport at the sports centre.
I keep cycling between getting inspired and overwhelmed by final goals and even mini goals.
Yes, I have my half-stone awards as my mini goal motivation (and they do motivate me, especially doing my measurements and putting them on my sig!) but my real psychological goals (home weights not class weights) are:
1. 191 lbs - start of 2008 weight loss campaign :checkmark green:
2. 180 lbs - end of 2010 weight loss campaign
3. 158 lbs - end of 2008 weight loss campaign
4. 137 lbs - end of 2001 weight loss campaign
Sometimes I just cannot believe that I have let myself become obese

I also know that the time to move from being obese to being healthy is really only a matter of months. All I have to do is keep on doing what I am doing now - and equally importantly keep on doing a variation of it when I get there.
Fail to plan - plan to fail I need to remember and act on that one, too!
My weekly goal is always to aim for a 2 lb loss. I am 1.4 lbs down now according to my scales so a three day push should do it!