Ghosties and ghoulies and things that go bump in the night.....

I've never noticed this thread before. All your stories are very creepy lol

I used to live in an old mining town when I was between 5 and 7 and shared a bedroom with my sister. I don't remember it too clearly but I do know I was always telling my mam there were ghosts in my bedroom. They used to be in the far corner or just outside the door which was glass so could see through it. My friends house was much more creepy than mine though, I used to hate having to go into her bedroom because it just felt weird. Everyone in that place (that I knew anyway) always had some tale or other about seeing ghosts there. But i suppose it would only be expected of a place like that where there were probably loads of people killed in the mines or whatever.

My first house I lived in after moving away from my parents I often used to feel someone watching me. Either standing in the dining room or at the top of the stairs. Never actually saw a clear figure but there was always the figure in the corner of my eye kind of thing. I could have sworn I saw a little white dog following my husband around in there one day too (we didn't have a dog then) I told my sister about the ghost I kept seeing in there and she said that I should try just asking it to go because it frightened me. Apparently her son always used to cry and complain about a red man in their house so she asked him to leave because he was frightening her son and he never complained about him after that. She did it while her son as out of the way so he had no idea she'd asked the red man to leave. so I got her to ask for me cos I'm a wimp lol.

Oh I just remembered my sister in law decided to hoover up for me while I was in hospital after having my first son and she said she felt someone standing at the top of the stairs watching her too.

My mother lives in an old victorian house and I hate the top floor of that house. We stayed there one night when the twins were about 8 months old and I made 2 bottles and put them in the room with them over night, but in the morning the 2 bottles had completely disappeared. The room was completely emptied after that and the bottles were still never found. That was very weird.
Oh and maybe this is the same kind of thing too.... One of my sons KNOWs things that he couldn't possibly know.

For example my uncle came to pick us up to go to his house one day and he took us a different way to usual where my boys had never been before. My son suddenly got all excited and said ""ooh can we go and see the trains please" I told him not to be silly there's no trains round here, but my uncle corrected me and said actually just at the other side of the woods there's an old railway line which you couldn't see from where we were.

my son also knew I was pregnant when I hadn't told anyone about it. He even used up his birthday wish when blowing out his candles to wish for a baby brother instead of a sister. that was very weird lol.
Oh and maybe this is the same kind of thing too.... One of my sons KNOWs things that he couldn't possibly know.

For example my uncle came to pick us up to go to his house one day and he took us a different way to usual where my boys had never been before. My son suddenly got all excited and said ""ooh can we go and see the trains please" I told him not to be silly there's no trains round here, but my uncle corrected me and said actually just at the other side of the woods there's an old railway line which you couldn't see from where we were.

my son also knew I was pregnant when I hadn't told anyone about it. He even used up his birthday wish when blowing out his candles to wish for a baby brother instead of a sister. that was very weird lol.

Hi Kati,

These types of things just fascinate me and always have. How could your Son possibly know:confused:
My eldest age 4 has said to me several times.........I have a brother called Sean - but he is not here yet. He won't be here for another few years. He does have a younger brother already. The first time he said it I was 7 weeks pregnant (he didn't know and their had been no talk in front of him). I actually had a miscarriage.


I havnt seen a ghost as such, but in my nans house she was always hearing and seeing things. On 1 occasion my mum and nan were chatting about family that had passed on, when I went cold and could see 2 shadows behind them, to me it looked like 2 men one of whom had his hand on the others shoulder. I couldnt speak all I could do was stare. I suppose I couldnt really believe what I was seeing.

Moments later my mum and nan asked if I was ok, so I told them what I saw and my nan replied dont worry it was my uncle Les and my grandad.
After my mum died I took her cat in, he pined for her constantly, then we discovered he too had cancer and died weeks later, well since the cat died my self and my eldest son have glimpsed the cat out the corner of my eye.

Even since we moved to Plymouth we still have our feline visitor.

On occasions I also see an adult shadow too, and get this feeling someone is behind me, especially when doing the dishes, I feel it is my mum as I get the smell of her favourite perfume.
I think the most vivid event was shortly after my mum died, I was on the phone to a family friend moaning about my brother and his lack of support whilst mum was ill. She said your mum knows you did all you could for her, at the same time our dining room door slammed shut. But if this door was left ajar it would always swing wide open and you needed to push the door quite hard to shut it. There was no draft and no logical reason for this. The friend on the phone asked what the noise was and I told her, she knew about the door and how it swings open so she was stunned.
Just recently my eldest son who was very close to my mum said he was laying in bed when he saw my mums face appear on the ceiling. He didnt seem scared by it and wouldnt say anything else.
I've had a lot of unexplained things happen to me from doors shutting, tv's turning off, noises downstairs, music starting playing in the middle of the night, a strange coincidental meeting abroad concerning my dad and various other things which along the way have really made me feel that someone is around me.
Hi Folks, I'm new. Do I believe in the spirit world? Well, there's something out there - so what if we all call upon the universal energy to help us all get our goals this week. It's all about tapping in and feeling good. I just wish it would replace chocolate that's all. Anyone tried cosmic ordering and succeeded?:)
Gem x
One 'supernatural' thing that has happened to me was a few years ago at uni. The bathroom door was at the bottom of a staircase and, every single time I came out of the bathroom, I saw someone stood at the top of the stairs. It was always just out of the corner of my eye. When I looked properly, there was no one there. But there was a door up there that was always locked and we would hear banging coming from behind it. To this day, I have no idea where that door led.

My dad has had quite a few experiences though. He once worked at a tyre firm and they had these huge trolleys on the top floor, which were used to move tyres around or to store tyres on. All the trolleys on the top floor were used for storage, and pretty much impossible to move when they were filled with tyres. One day everyone could hear all the trolleys being wheeled around, even though no one was up there. My dad and a colleague went up there and nothing had moved, but it was freezing cold.

He also had a weird experience when he was in the army, years ago. A few of them decided to try a ouija board in the barracks one night. The glass started moving when they were asking questions, but they all thought one of them was just pushing it. Then one of them asked the spirit how he/she died and the light in the room went out. The bulb just blew. Apparently you're not supposed to ask that question. Straight afterwards, all the bulbs on that floor and eventually the whole building, blew out one by one. They never found anything wrong with the electricity or anything which could have caused every bulb to go out.

Years ago, my aunt worked in a clock shop. One night, she locked up as normal and when she opened the shop again in the morning, every single clock was on the floor - but they were lined up across the floor, standing up and still working properly - as if someone had arranged them that way. Spooky.

I also tried a ouija board once with my friend Emma - we were about 12 and just messing around but we tried to 'contact' her grandma, who had passed away a few years before. Nothing happened and we left it at that. But that evening, I was alone in my room and heard a woman's voice say "Emma" clear as day. I didn't recognise the voice and no one else was upstairs. I was completely freaked out!