Gillys Diary... moving house, job and a new life!

i think i did the goulash in ecipe section but if you need it i have it on my pc ..i will post a bechemel sauce tomorow ...
hugs xxx
hi susie feeling a bit better today thanks for asking honey xxx
mr beans is looking after me well i got eggy dippy soldiers in bed this morning hahahaha..hope all is well in your world too love and hugs xxxx
I never think of doing that for brekkie but whenever someone mentions its I think yum. Glab you're feeling a bit better but remember drink plenty of water and keep warm
how you feeling today mhope your on the mend x
Just wanted to thank all my lovely friends on here for your support ..I am moving house and job and unable to stay on track just now so best i say byeee for now ..We start our new life in Buxton end of feb and are packing ready to move ...
I hope to find a club when i settle in and will be back for now you all make sure you keep on slimming and smiling !
love and hugs
Gilly xxx
Take care and I hope it all goes smoothly for you Hun....we moved back in May last year so I know how stressful it can be!!
Stay in touch and let us know how you are doing!
