Aw no, hope little one is soon feeling better- a friend of mine's daughter got croup last year and it sounded horrid!
You sound very organised though which is a plus. Love sweet potatoes. Wedged and roasted with cumin and red onions is one of my favourites..
I've decided to change my weigh in day to Mondaysthe theory being that Thursday is just far away enough from the weekend to "get away with stuff".
I've just made a batch of chicken soup in my soup maker for lunch. It's so thick it's more like chicken casserole. Still I'm sure it will taste yum and will keep me going. I'm teaching a full day back to back tomorrow so no time to think about snacks let alone seek one out!
Thanks everyone. I'm being naughty and using my iPad in class whilst they work
Today's chicken soup? Well you could stand a spoon up in it so I'm looking forward to it immensely. I invested in a new food flask to keep it piping hot.
I'm glad Mondays workclearly they do for you Ruth, you are so close you must be able to almost smell target. What does it smell of? I imagine Parma violets haha
Well I'm technically 6lb down after ten days BUT I'm not counting it until I'm back to 15. I've always been a big gainer but the plus side is I can be a big loser too!!![]()